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Everything posted by enterprise207

  1. close enough!!!!!!
  2. only in india
  3. I never saw that!
  4. apparently i one the sight now! click on it
  5. tried again, diddn't work
  6. very nice!!!
  7. Yeah, its a new site I stumbled on that do 3D printed models, they should be doing a rake of MK4s, and a 2600 ETC...
  8. Is there any plans for Enterprise De Dietrich Stock to be produced, I Know that BS models will be producing MK4s, so...
  9. what about 4000's?
  10. Are they still available? If so could you give me the web adress for where to by, thanks
  11. yeah thanks
  12. What are you planning to use as a donor? i bought 8 mrk2s off ebay
  13. could you give me the angles for the cabs, and some tips on how to make one
  14. yes it goes to shoe that a layout doesn't have to be big to be great!
  15. i got jealous, all the layouts there had a class 111
  16. its the 3000s and the 4000 that would be tricky to get hold of
  17. i have done its quite complex
  18. yes, I think yorks road will come in somewhere
  19. its a very good plan, I will probably use it or somthing like it
  20. Thanks, its in a shed. Do you know any good track planning software for mac? I've tried xtrkcad but i didn't work... I'd prefer to have it moveable but I don't mind having it stuck
  21. Need ideas for a new layout 11.5 foot by 8 foot, thinking of a depot and a station with a fiddle yard on the 8 foot strip, it will be on a |_| shape.
  22. i want!
  23. put it in a depot
  24. very nice
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