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Everything posted by gph2000

  1. Meanwhile, I bought one of Wiggy's scrap chasis. Ebay (or Wiggy) had pitched import duties at STG 15 if I recall correctly - and a big postage charge of maybe twice that. But I had it shipped to Addresspal in Herefordshire for a little over 4 Euro in postage. They looked at it and assessed it import duties at a whopping €2.16. There will be another 6 Euro to have it transshipped and maybe 4 euro more in admin fees for handling the customs end. Total Shipping including Duties is going to come in under EUR 16 - that was the import charge alone if I had let Wiggy send it directly to me.
  2. I think someome has bagged a bargain. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/385587396512 The couplings according to the seller are in the box and if as stated it is actually DCC fitted - as opposed to a 'layperson' mistaking a blanking plate for a chip then its a good price.
  3. If this keeps up, someone is going to bag one for a fiver!
  4. I think the legendary Jimmy Magee worked for the Dundalk, Newry and Greenore before going into sports broadcasting.
  5. Better yet, Beatrice Beatrice Kelly!
  6. I've been that person down the years. Twice I've had to raise 1000 fast and my models came to the rescue.
  7. A couple of the 121's finished reasonably priced. Hefty gross for one day's selling.
  8. It looks like mine, which I got new from Marks Models. I never questioned the colour, and one of the bogie side frames came away after very little use.
  9. Starting that low is going to give us a good sense of the value of these items.
  10. Looks like someone is having a clear out. Started yesterday. https://www.ebay.ie/usr/model-railways-0nline
  11. I think the set available in 1978 predates HDI - it says "Made in France" underneath and the transporter included is more like the Playcraft versions currently for sale. As for the box the set came in, the cardboard top was discarded somewhere in the nineties, and my wife decided that the styrofoam tray had to go somewhere around the turn of the century. The train currently lives in a Hornby DMU box and a pair of coach boxes associated with that same DMU.
  12. I had a look, this really stood out: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234935362987?hash=item36b33d25ab:g:FM0AAOSwDBFkE0gY It is very similar to the transporter that shipped with one of the Joeuf CIE sets in 1978. I still have mine.
  13. This article appeared in the journal today - https://www.thejournal.ie/lilt-replaced-fanta-5994858-Feb2023/ But it quotes from one "Martin Attock"
  14. Its always worth checking the UK postage and using AddressPal which is less than 7 Euro. While not so in this case, UK sellers often offer free postage internally so there is a big saving to be made then. An Post will handle the customs side and invoice you for any charges due.
  15. There have to be other ways to generate this power too. Already I see one manufacturer using the petrol/diesel to power an onboard generator only, and all the drive power is from the electric motor. There must also be a means to capture some solar power via a roof panel, and could those fine wires that deliver your heated window take power in the opposite direction from the window to a battery? Equally, on a two wheel drive car can the rotating action of the other wheelset power some form of generator to reclaim some of the spent power?
  16. Heaven forbid our leaders planned early for that day...
  17. That would require 30 to 40 litres of fuel. Any idea what the cost of electricity is to achieve that range?
  18. Back in about 05 the dealership where Hertz is now in Glenageary had a woman on the sales team. The only one I've met since I bought my first car in '92.
  19. Not sure Windsor or Bill Griffin could offer one of those at the moment. The correct forum depends on where thread drift takes us. I am happy with the replies, none of the car sales men (they were all men) I spoke to last week have any idea.
  20. If I really try, then I can squeeze 4.7l/100km out of the Kadjar, but it requires very committed driving style
  21. My diesel - a Renault Kadjar car is delivering approximately 5 litres per 100 km which at todays prices rounds to 10km for every euro on fuel. Anyone know how how far a euro goes running in battery mode on something like a Ford Kuga, Hyundai Tuscon or similar?
  22. Now I'm concerned. Hopefully its an issue with the LAIS decoder rather than the loco PCB.
  23. This appeared on the RTE Website today: https://www.rte.ie/news/regional/2022/0512/1297696-bord-na-mona-auction/
  24. The stay wire that fell across the masthead is rusted nicely, but the wire that lies near the stabilizer is in better condition than the image suggests. And as has been pointed out, the surviving insulator is incomplete.
  25. It looks like only one insulator survives. I'd be thinking someone liberated the others and left this one since it is a P&T issue. Maybe when I am back in the area again, I'll take another look.
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