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Everything posted by IrishTrainScenes

  1. Hi, does anyone have any photos or videos of the Enterprise on the Antrim Branch or at Antrim itself? They made a trip there in 2013 and 2015.
  2. Think so... Same ones on the 85/8600.
  3. My understanding is that the 2135 x Belfast on 2/7/24 will be the last Enterprise to leave Lanyon Place and the 2050 x Dublin arriving will be the last Enterprise to arrive.
  4. Does anyone know what sets did the 1650 x Dublin & 1805 x Belfast today?
  5. Last night the 1650 ex Dublin was 65 to 70 minutes late, trespass incident. Similarly the 1605 ex Belfast was 45 minutes late and the 1900 ex Dublin was 30 minutes late. All because of a baseball bat wielding nut job at Gormanston!
  6. Is 29121 at present the only 29 with the new PIS?
  7. 1405 ex Belfast 60 late train fault. Irish Rail Railcar on 1650 as a result
  8. Expect a possible C3K sub tomorrow...
  9. For anyone wondering, a 3 piece NIR C4K railcar did the 1650xDublin/1805xBelfast to/from Portadown.
  10. Due to a train fault, the 16:50 from Dublin will be formed of non Enterprise 3 coach train between Portadown and Lanyon Place; the 18:05 to Dublin will be formed of a 3 coach non Enterprise train between Lanyon Place and Portadown.
  11. 16:50 Dublin Connolly to Lanyon Place due 19:04 Facilities on the 16:50 Dublin Connolly to Lanyon Place due 19:04. This is due to a train fault. Will be formed of 3 coaches between Portadown and Lanyon Place. Additional Facilities Information: on arrival at Portadown passengers will be transferred onto an 3 Car NIR CAF for onward journey to Lanyon Place. Additional Information: Delay expected on both Services on arrival at Portadown due to a Set Changeover (delay due to earlier mechanical fault). Message Received :08/06/2024 17:25 Time Destination 16:50 Dublin Connolly On Time 17:50 Dundalk On Time 18:08 Newry On Time 18:30 Portadown On Time 19:04 Lanyon Place On Time 18:05 Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly due 20:15 Facilities on the 18:05 Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly due 20:15. This is due to a train fault. Will be formed of 3 coaches between Lanyon Place and Portadown. Additional Facilities Information: This will be a non Enterprise Service from Lanyon Place to Portadown. Passengers will be Transferred at Portadown onto an Enterprise Service for onward journey. Additional Information: Delay expected on both Services on arrival at Portadown due to a Set Changeover (delay due to earlier mechanical fault). Message Received :08/06/2024 17:25 Time Destination 18:05 Lanyon Place On Time 18:39 Portadown On Time 19:01 Newry On Time 19:20 Dundalk On Time 19:41 Drogheda On Time 20:15 Dublin Connolly On Time
  12. Have Translink said? Saturday 3rd July to Sunday 25th August 2024 From Saturday 3rd July to Sunday 25th August the line between Lisburn and Belfast will be closed to facilitate works associated with the construction and opening of the new Belfast Grand Central Station. Monday – Friday: 21.35 Belfast to Connolly is advanced to 20.05 Saturday: 21.28 Belfast to Connolly is advanced to 20.05 During this period, Enterprise services will operate as normal between Dublin Connolly and Portadown only. Bus transfers will be in place between Newry and Belfast for customers travelling to/from Belfast. Customers for Lurgan, Moira & Lisburn can avail of local Translink NI Railways services between Portadown and Lisburn as normal.
  13. This was indeed Was it not 5th July??
  14. 29025+29012 on the 1605 Belfast - Connolly, 5/6/21
  15. It is great that the new timetable is due to come into effect! Is that official? As expected
  16. Alterations to Belfast timetable from Monday 13th May 13 May 2024 Customers are advised that as part of works associated with the construction of the new Belfast Grand Central station, the following service alterations will be in place from Monday 13th May to Friday 5th July 2024 inclusive. Monday to Friday: 20:05 Belfast Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly will be deferred to 21:36 from Belfast Saturdays: 20:05 Belfast Lanyon Place to Dublin Connollywill be deferred to 21.28 from Belfast. 18:20 Dublin Connolly to Belfast Lanyon Place will now operate to Dundalk only 21:06 Belfast Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly services will no longer operate. .
  17. Enterprise NIRailways Cross Border Train - Service Disruption 27 May 09:05-27 May 13:05 service Rail Due to an obstruction on the line at Clontarf Road the line is blocked. Train services running through this station may be cancelled or delayed. Disruption is expected until further notice. Passengers are advised that due to fallen power cables blocking the line in Clontarf, train services will terminate in Drogheda and passengers will be transported to Dublin by bus. The same will apply for passengers travelling on the 0735 ex Dublin who will travel from Dublin to Drogheda and will then get the train to Belfast. The repair team is on site. Updates will be given as soon as possible.
  18. So I must get down to Lanyon on the 5th July! Might see the 2005 x Belfast Enterprise. Passengers are advised that due to fallen power cables blocking the line in Clontarf, train services will terminate in Drogheda and passengers will be transported to Dublin by bus. The same will apply for passengers travelling on the 0735 ex Dublin who will travel from Dublin to Drogheda and will then get the train to Belfast. The repair team is on site. Updates will be given as soon as possible. Last Updated :27/05/2024 09:44
  19. Do we know if every traction is going to test Grand Central? ?
  20. Seen the 2135 Belfast - Connolly last night (ICR 38) passing through Finaghy. Is the 2135 ex Belfast usually lightly loaded?? Looked quite empty.
  21. Is the line closure from 1 June to 4 June still going ahead? Also… Saturday 6th July to Sunday 25th August 2024 The line between Portadown and Belfast will be closed to facilitate works associated with the construction and opening of the new Belfast Grand Central Station. During this period, trains will operate as normal between Dublin Connolly and Portadown only. Bus transfers will be in place between Newry and Belfast for customers travelling to/from Belfast. No, was in Belfast from 1730 to 1805.
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