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Everything posted by IrishTrainScenes

  1. Enlighten me!! Are DDs starting in GVS on 25 August or is there Mark 2 coaches going there??
  2. Enterprise NIRailways Enterprise Facilities Change 19 May 11:05-19 May 18:05 service Rail Due to a train fault the following Enterprise services will be operated by a Non Enterprise NIR 6 Car CAF set today 19/05/2024: 11:05 Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly 14:00 Dublin Connolly to Lanyon Place First class is not available. Catering is reduced Trolley service only. Translink Apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
  3. I was on the 1520 Connolly to Belfast today formed by 231 + 9004. It arrived at 1618, and left at 1622 (6 mins late) but we took just 68 minutes from Dundalk to Belfast arriving at 1730 (5 mins early)! 231 must be one of the fast locos.
  4. On 22038 on 10.35 ex Belfast.
  5. Where was service D820 gone? (17:13 Pearse/Newry)?
  6. Enterprise NIRailways Lisburn Line Service Information 16 May 17:48-17 May 05:00 service Rail *Update 18:02* The rail line between Lisburn and Belfast has now reopened however some delays & disruption may be experienced for a short while. Enterprise NIRailways Enterprise Services serving Lisburn Train Station for Balmoral Show 15 May 00:01-18 May 00:00 service Rail The Following services will serve Lisburn Train Station on Wedneday 15 to Friday 17 May Departing Lanyon Place: 1405, 1605 & 1805 Departing Dublin Connolly: 0735, 0930, 1120 & 1320
  7. Yes, I believe it is the 0735, 1320 & 1900 ex Dublin and the 1035, 1605 & 2136 (2128 on Saturdays) ex Belfast (Mon - Sat) and the 1000 & 1600 ex Dublin & the 1305 & 1905 ex Belfast on Sundays. By the way, does anyone know if the 06:35 ex Newry and 17:13 ex Pearse will be affected during the July and August line closure?
  8. On Sunday night the following happened: The 16:00 ex Dublin was almost THREE HOURS LATE into Belfast, signalling issues at Portadown. The 17:05 ex Belfast was TWO HOURS LATE The 19:05 ex Belfast was likely about 2 hours late.
  9. Standing in Finaghy in the rain waiting for the 10:35 ex Belfast Enterprise to pass through (ICR set). I will have an ICR to Dundalk on Saturday!!!
  10. Enterprise today 0650 9004+8208 0735 207+9002 0800 9003+228 Set 9003 is behaving well. For now!
  11. I thought 11.20 had gone into Platform 4?
  12. 3002+3005 arriving in Lanyon Place Platform 1 yesterday off 1520 Enterprise
  13. So I believe!! Also can you confirm if it’s true about a 111 going to GVS tonight? @airfixfan
  14. Due to a train fault, the 12:35 from #Belfast to #Dublin departed 70 minutes late. This service is being operated by a non-Enterprise train. There will be no first class available and catering is reduced.
  15. 29101 worked the 07:35 ex Dublin today
  16. Enterprise NIRailways Belfast to Dublin Service Information 06 May 12:35-06 May 17:35 service Rail 14:05 Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly will be formed of 6 coaches. First class not available. Catering is reduced....(will be a non-Enterprise train). Railcar subs do not start until next week
  17. 1120 ex Dublin being removed from service upon arrival in Belfast. So as a result, part of or all of the 1405 & 2005 ex Belfast & 1650 & 1900 ex Dublin will be non - Enterprise.
  18. So I can still see trains Also… FAILURE on the 0800 x Belfast.
  19. Trains from Moira to Portadown still running?
  20. Planning two trips - Belfast to Cork via Dublin, 28 August. Then possibly Belfast to Dublin, 21 September? Could be the last time I get an Enterprise out of Lanyon Place. Last Enterprise most likely the 1905 ex Belfast on 6/10/24.
  21. See aswell for next week certain Enterprise are booked to stop at Lisburn
  22. @airfixfan Do you know if there will be bus or train from Moira to Portadown on 11 May?
  23. NIRailways Enterprise Enterprise - Early Morning Line Closure Saturday 11 May 11 May 00:01-12 May 00:00 service Rail / (Bus Sub) Enterprise - Early Morning Line Closure Saturday 11 May between Lanyon Place and Newry The following trains will be operated by bus substitution services: • 06:50, 08:00, 10:35 Lanyon Place to Newry • 08:50 Newry to Belfast Lanyon Place – 07:35 return train from Dublin will connect with bus substitution service at Newry for Belfast • Normal train services will operate between Portadown & Dublin Connolly • Normal Enterprise services will resume after 10:35 The following services will not operate Saturday 11 May: • 09:36 Belfast Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly • 12:21 Dublin Connolly to Belfast Lanyon Place There will be no First Class facilities on board the following train services: • 07:21, 08:31, 11:09 Portadown to Dublin • 07:35 Dublin to Portadown
  24. @hurricanemk1c you wouldn’t happen to have any info would you?
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