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  • Location
    Dublin 18, Ireland


  • Biography
    In my teenage years, once drove CIE A36R in Sligo, also B121 and B181 classes, when it was possible to visit the old MPD and spend time with the drivers, also doing train run arounds. In the 1970's, members of the B201 class were weekly visitors on Saturday services. Have been interested in railways since then, and have a collection of OO gauge GWR stock from Bachmann and Hornby. Last year, I rescued and repaired a H&M Safety Minor unit which was destined for electrical waste. Also dabble in O Gauge. Planning to develop a dynamometer car for O gauge, to measure instantaneous speed and acceleration. Should be interesting...


  • Interests
    Music, walking the dogs, volunteering, railways in general, model railway engineering and technology


  • Occupation
    Freelance electronics and microcontroller application software developer

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  1. If I could add my thoughts....short answer - yes I would consider it, because I don't have a permanent layout at the moment and would fall into the category of speculative new project developer. I have invested (modestly if I may say so) in a small fleet of IRM A Class locos and decoders, and a few MM B class (121 and 181). I confess to owning just one MM Craven which unfortunately is not readily convertible to 21mm, and perhaps that is something for the trade to note if planning on future production. I suppose there is a suggestion (in the light of experience) that a standard approach could be adopted by manufacturers, to accommodate convenient conversion to 21mm, or to manufacture adaptable product to accommodate the 21mm market as well as the 16.5mm market. I've experimented with producing 21mm track work using 3D printing technology, and the comparison with commercially availble "off the shelf" HO 16.5mm gauge trackwork is obvious to see. Perhaps a modest layout with hand built track work and a few points would be enough to satisfy any creative urge that might come upon me in the future. Even better if 21mm track work was available RTR. Seems more equitable than the status quo.
  2. All going well since my earlier ramblings. We now have a MM B121 (grey and yellow scheme) playing nicely with a MM0567 decoder, and will test a MM0645 decoder in my MM B188 when the speaker arrives. A55 and A30 both playing nicely with their Loksound decoders. The recently acquired Lokprogrammer is proving useful for setting up long addresses, and for testing functionality. I use a similar numbering scheme to the one Fowler4F showed us earlier. A12 still has a Lokpilot decoder, awaiting a Loksound when available.
  3. I seem to have been converted to DCC. Just ordered a LokProgrammer from ModelBahnLippe. Onwards and upwards.
  4. Thanks "Irishthump". This whole conversation has been very helpful. Thankfully I'm "out of the woods" and have my A55 working well with 1123 decoder installed, with functions working per the IRM list. An excellent result from my perspective.
  5. I was surprised at how little smoke or fumes was emitted, and not a trace of an oil leak. But am keeping the room well ventilated. Might be tempted to get another Crossley decoder to equip my A30. A12 will run silently for the time being.
  6. Update - as I write this I have A55 idling beside me, ready for action. The 1123 decoder is working with the Digitrax DCS52, function keys working as per IRM list. Seems like a took the scenic route to get here, but I made it finally. Thanks again to all for your help and suggestions. And to IRM - well done.
  7. Thanks Boskonay.. good to know...hopefully there will be no immediate need to do a reset. I'll start to explore the digital function list with the 1123 decoder and DCS52 later.
  8. Thanks BosKonay. At least one other member on this thread is recommending to use the ESU Lokprogrammer. Might as well ask - have IRM tested this reset process using any non-ESU programmers ? Perhaps that's not a matter for IRM, but it is of interest to the audience. Those who use the Lokprogrammer will know the answer. I could try doing a reset using the Digitrax DCS52, but I will decide on that myself. If you are interested investigating this, I'm happy to collaborate.
  9. Thanks to everyone who has followed my initial conversation with F4f and offered helpful advice and suggestions, and encouragement. It is much appreciated. I think IRM have done a great job supplying us with the A Class loco and the decoders. I'm relatively new to DCC but not to the hobby as a whole. I expect some of you are experienced DCC operators. As a new DCC operator, my requirements are for an A Class loco with configurable motor performance, sound palette, and lighting. A few pennies have dropped overnight and I now realise that I don't want to hear the engine sound immediately after track power up, or see lights coming on. That is not realistic. I want to have a start up sequence, initiated using a function key. I want to have control of brake sound, horn, lights etc. I expect some of you have already done this and are wondering why I'm stuck "at the beginning". We'll it's usually a very good place to start. I'm learning as I go. I will continue to experiment with my Digitrax DCS52. I will purchase a Lokprogrammer in the near future, and install DecoderPro software. Regarding the A Class sound decoder, from a technical perspective - my understanding is that the IRM 1123 sound decoder uses the ESU LokSound 5 platform, which is a "Leerdecoder ohne Sound", meaning an empty decoder without sound. The 1123 package includes a "sound project" for a Crossley engine. As far as I know, the 1123 is not supplied with any user instructions regarding how to use the sound project audio in a user application. So perhaps this is where the experienced DCC operator comes in, or an experienced DCC programmer. Perhaps there are some Youtube videos on this subject. For me this is an interesting area to get into. As I've already said, I want to have a start up sequence, a shut down sequence, initiated using function keys. I want to have control of brake sound, horn, lights etc. From a technical perspective - if I was to attempt a reset of a 1123 decoder, I think I would need to make a back up copy of the sound project, which I could probably do if I had produced it myself. Doing a reset will return the decoder back to ESU factory default values, and.....unless the sound project is protected, the reset could result in the decoder defaulting to a generic sound project. Perhaps the Lokprogrammer can safeguard against this happening. If anyone can confirm this, I would appreciate their input. I think this is an important point.
  10. Referring to the ESU LokSound Instruction manual, 15. Edition, November 2022, page 101 CV | Name | Description CV8 | Manufacturer‘s ID | Manufacturers‘s ID ESU - Writing value 8 in this CV triggers a reset to factory default values. I take this to mean that the decoder will be reset to ESU factory default values. If any sound file was written to the decoder in the factory, then the sound file should be part of the factory default data and not be changed in any way due to a reset action. I hope this is the case.
  11. I don't have a Lokprogrammer. I do appreciate the complexities involved having studied the LokPilot and LokSound instruction manuals. If I do a reset on the LokSound decoder, then I take a risk and hope the sound file will not be corrupted or erased. In this instance, I'd prefer if IRM could do the reset for me. If there are any issues then they can address them directly, and they will be in control of the process.
  12. Would you do the reset for me ? 

  13. I have just noted a Digitrains video on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJHAZB-pft0 This looks like a demo of an IRM A Class loco with Crossley sound, sound decoder produced by Digitrains. Presume this is a Digitrains project using their decoder complete with Crossley sound. Has anyone posted a video of an IRM A Class loco running with Crossley sound, using the IRM ESU sound decoder ?
  14. Hi F4f, before I do a reset of the LokSound decoder, I just need some assurance that the reset will not affect the sound file. The Crossley sound decoders are still new to the market so I presume only a very few people will have done such a reset, if at all. Perhaps you've done resets on EMD sound decoders with no issues ?
  15. Quick update - have succeeded in getting A55 to move in each direction, with LokSound decoder, CV29 set to 34, and long address set to 1055. Also works with CV29 set to 32. However, no lights or sound. Haven't changed anything else to impact sound or lights. So at least the LokSound decoder is viable for traction purposes ! I have Larry Pucketts book DCC Projects and Applications Vol 4.
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