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Everything posted by LNERW1

  1. Funny actually, I’ve always thought that James’ TV series model looked far closer to the DSER’s Woolwich Moguls than his supposed basis, the Lanky class 27. As in, he looks nothing like the L&Y loco and almost identical to the DSER one. Also, wow! Really shows how accepting and open-minded ye are that this conversation is entirely positive. If this was a US-based forum, I shouldn’t wonder it would be different…
  2. See title. There is a huge following for the children's TV show "Thomas and Friends". I am one of the people who make up that following. This is an area created for Irish Thomas fans (and they do exist) to share news directly related to the show and any Irish links it may have. Slightly worried about putting this on a serious model railway forum, but hopefully nobody's going to extract the urine out of me for it. I'm not going to try to justify it because people have a problem with niche hobbies...
  3. Noticed the tweet was by TheBuriedTruck, a YouTuber who is a notable and well-respected member of the Thomas fandom, which some of you may be familiar with. In fact, I think I'll go start an argument about that now...
  4. Get the cross ready lads- heavily bodged+shortened BR Class 58 as an 071? (he says while writing up his will) You know what, just to avoid extreme violence, I’m going to make that work.
  5. They’ve no right to be complaining- they stole one of our 1949 BnM Barclays and turned it into the Tallyllyn’s Tom Rolt!
  6. I really want to test that… there may not actually be a limit, as I doubt there’d be anyone on this forum trying to do anything malicious by typing up a ridiculously long title.
  7. Yeah, my 7 brain cells can’t work out how to edit the name of a topic.
  8. I’ll give ye a clue, my nearest station was Lansdowne Road. I’m not proud of being from that area though, as most people who are seen to be arseholes. I wonder if the owner is a railway enthusiast?
  9. Yeah, I don’t believe Catholics are more likely than Protestants to be nationalists, but something tells me discriminatory big business in the 1860s wouldn’t have agreed with me. I meant Mountmellick, but I have the memory of an amnesiac goldfish and I’m awful at Laois geography, being a still-relatively-recent (2017) blow-in from the land of sourdough and SUVs. (Guess where that is).
  10. I know the line went via Portlaoise, but it was officially, initially at least, the line from Mountrath, but I don’t know whether through trains were run at any point. The thing about Durrow is just an assumption, given the fact that I’m like 95% sure it had a higher RC population in the 1860s/70s (my dumbass forgot when the line was built). I’ll check a couple of statistics and I’ll make another post here. Yet more evidence of me being an idiot, misremembering place names and not doing my research- the line began in Mountmellick.
  11. That’s a good point, some food for thought there. I actually think I can give a good example- Abbeyleix station, serving a newer, posher estate town, was as close as possible to the town- the line actually ran directly behind the St Michael and All Angels church and the rectory. However, the next obvious station on the Mountrath-Kilkenny line (it did actually begin in Mountrath, not Portlaoise), would be Durrow, but to my knowledge it had a higher percentage of Roman Catholics, who would have been perceived as being more likely to cause insurgency, and so Durrow did not have a station, the line instead running through Attanagh, a mile or so east. That’s just one example that came to mind because, as I write this, I am sitting about 200m away from Abbeyleix station, but I’m sure there are other examples. Obviously, the railway bypassing Durrow may have been simply a matter of convenience- reaching Durrow would have made the line longer and therefore more difficult to build- but it’s possible the company may have pushed a little harder to reach Durrow otherwise. Note: @Broithe and @Metrovik may be able to clarify if I’m wrong about the distance between Durrow and Attanagh.
  12. At least he got the record in the end- I think these guys had it worse: Guardian article I actually lost sleep thinking about this. All that work!
  13. Ballast is down, and so work is complete for today. Here, B135 (erroneously referred to in previous posts as B134), is moving ballasting equipment to the Ardree Quay goods shed. See ye tomorrow. IMG_0065.MOV
  14. So I’ve been having some fun, any advice on ballasting points? IMG_0064.MOV
  15. B134 ready to make itself useful again! Edit: I don’t think I have to clarify this, but it’s a ballast train. Just to be completely sure there’s no confusion. Just wondering- is it OK to put the ballast in the wagons, and then apply it from the wagons? (As in, scoop out the ballast with a spoon and apply it normally)
  16. Siding clayed. 72961952404__88BA0612-695B-423D-A74A-C4913E40A33E.MOV
  17. B134 is on site with a work train.
  18. AAARGH…I need more clay to finish the yard, and my sister won’t give me any…and I can’t start ballasting until I’m finished with the clay…oh no… Never mind, it’s sorted now
  19. I really shouldn’t have driven ye all away from that “to lighten the mood” topic.
  20. Too lazy to type up post, here’s a video (contains one usage of strong language) 72960510986__36235D49-F87C-40FA-B8A0-277FD4321055.MOV
  21. Corked the layout, and have begun applying clay to the sidings due to be set into concrete or stone or whatever. I’ll post photos once I’ve dropped my little brother his lunch.
  22. Thanks for the help with that. I saw a post in a Facebook group a while ago, in Spanish, which Google translated to something along the lines of:”the British train being tested near (a place I can’t remember the name of).
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