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Everything posted by gibbo675
Hi Phil, Natural law in full effect there. Should everyone have respected each other and their respective sensibilities and also treated others in a way that they may have wished to be treated themselves then I would guess that the site you reference would still be going strong. The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism. The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. (Carl Jung) Gibbo.
Hi Phil, You are quite correct, should you wish to have a blog where you may say whatever you like about what ever you like you would have to set up your own web domain where you get to dictate the rules of that web domain. However if you were to open it to public comment it may end up somewhat of a "bun fight" and it would have to have all sorts of disclaimers attached to it that would make the terms and conditions of this platform somewhat simple or you might be then in violation of statutes that govern so called free speech laws. I say so called laws for the definition of a statute is, a law agreed upon, and even statutes require a form of contract drawing the individual from the private realm and into the public so that prosecution may take place. Subtle stuff but most interesting as a rabbit hole to be explored proving that governments, parliaments and even courts do not have sovereignty over the individual until such time as the individual submits to contract, but then only by way of free will. Interestingly the term web domain contains the word domain, i.e. the domain in which your mind is free to do as you please and where no one else may tell you what to do. The Devil is indeed in the detail, the devil [d'evil] is of evil and evil is live backwards, the details are the carrying out of the terms and conditions of any contracts made. It is all there if you understand properly what you are reading however, and without wishing to patronise anyone, it does require a greater understanding of what most people think they know and understand about how words, whoever puts them forth, may be used against anyone else. Gibbo.
Hi Alan, I like the wooden dome, it reminds me of the joke about the man that made a wooden car.........it wooden work ! Here is a wooden bicycle though: Gibbo.
Hi Folks, With regard censorship it has to be noted that all things in this world, this forum being a minor part of the whole world, are consented to one way or another in the formation of trust relationships be they public or private. There are terms and conditions when you join this privately owned and publicly accessed platform and that is the end of the matter, for anything posted may be deemed offensive by those you have contracted with. As we all have free will to contract, or not, with whoever or what ever we like, the moment we make that contract we are bound by its rules, period. The problem comes with variance of opinion determining the interpretation of those rules, for instance I had a post removed from the Customs and VAT thread for noting that it is possible to use government* statutes to resolve the problem of being charged extra fees in the form of VAT and Customs Charges for buying stuff and also that it would require you to take those charging those fees to court. (Govern; to control, Mental; the power of the mind ) I'm not overly bothered that the post was removed because the moderators obviously thought it was in violation of their terms and conditions which is their prerogative and not mine according the to the terms and condition that I have agreed to and as such I have no standing in law to complain. I did not make any fuss about it as the moderators are likely busy folks what with dealing with my posts ! What I found strange about the post's removal was because it simply explained that by using another corporate entities terms and conditions you can save yourself being charged VAT and Customs which ought to be made known. I feel it a shame that such knowledge is not better know but again that is the prerogative of the moderators. Perhaps this post will be removed also, should it be removed I would actually appreciate an explanation as to why as I might have the chance to edit the post to make it suitable to fit in around the terms and conditions although I doubt that assistance will be afforded as the moderators may have better things to do. I feel lack of explanation is the main reason for those that have posts removed feeling unjustly treated however, I appreciate greatly that providing reason may end up in a back and forth that the moderators will almost certainly wish to avoid. I certainly wouldn't blame them for that ! As we have all made contract by accepting the terms and conditions of the offer of the benefits of this platform it might be useful to understand why the word contract is used when accepting terms and conditions. When in private we are all free, we have the freedom to think and do what ever we like so long as we do not cause harm, loss or damage to anyone or their property be that material or intellectual. We are free within our own domain, hence the word freedom which is a truncation of freedom of mind to do as wee please. When we contract and agree to terms and conditions of use then we accept that there are certain things we cannot do as we are entering another's private domain, i.e. this platform, and our freedom to do as we please is reduced as a result. In other words our the domain in which our minds may run to is reduced or if you please contracted. You become subject rather than fully spiritual and temporal, to put it simply you have lost your mind to another's will, the will of the moderators of this platform. If you don't like it you are free to go away. Should you abuse the privilege's afforded you by this platform you will first warned and eventually be sent away. Its all done by consent and no one forced any of us to come here. Yours honourably, beneficial of trust, not trustee, Gibbo.
Hi Mal, Scratch build is always an option. Its all to do with the love and creative energy you place into your projects even if things aren't exactly accurate you will treasure your models as I do mine. Gibbo.
I forgot to mention first radius curves, probably as well that I didn't.
More so that most models will be running on 4' 1.5" gauge track !!!
Hi Folks, I've been working on the AEC railcars today and I have built up two sides completely and mostly done the other two sides. I was called down from the loft for dinner and was also informed that Fiona is a "Loft Widow" so the important work of toy train building had to stop for the evening. After getting four coach sides cut and filed to shape as the above post, I set about making up the inner laminations that also form the underframes these are cut from .040" plasticard 37mm X 250mm with the reliefs with reliefs for the bogies. After the reliefs were cut I marked out a line 4mm above the base of the sole bar and laid the coach sides over the underframes I drew around the insides of the windows so that I could cut reliefs leaving just the window pillars. This shews the datum lines and the windows and how I cut just in from and under the windows by about 1mm, this will leave a landing to fit glazing. This shews how the window pillars line up with the coach sides. The next job was to file a tumblehome onto the lower section of the coach sides, I did this in pairs so that I ended up with two of each. the sides were lined up along the edge of my mitre box stood on its side and the tumblehome curve was filed onto the lower 5mm with the bottom edge almost feathered out to nothing. The coach side set up ready to both file the tumblehome and the corners of the windows. The sides were checked for fit and that each side was mirrored as pairs before gluing into place. I used Humbrol liquid poly for this by running a generous amount above the datum line before positioning and checking dimensions from the lower edge of the sole bar, this dimension is 4mm. The tumble home is just apparent on this photograph, the extra sticking out at the front end will be cut back as I build the cab although the full length will be required at the sole bar level as it projects in front of the coach work of the cabs. Its all going well so far and the cabs will be fun as there are complex curves and subtle angles to deal with. Gibbo.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner ! I have some Lima class 73 chassis that I got lucky with on eBay and will use one of them with altered side frames to the bogies. The unpowered coach will utilise the frames and bogies of one of the left over Hornby coach frames and bogies from the above cut and shuts. All to be revealed in good time. Gibbo.
Yo Dudes, I've run out of Hornby coaches to cut and shut and its not the day for steam locomotives on the other threads so here is my latest project. Is anyone able to identify what it will be when is finished ? Gibbo.
Hi Folks, I wouldn't worry about the "hobby", people do what they do and if they like it they continue and if they don't they do something else that amuses them whatever that might be. We are born to life, shuffle a load of atoms around and then then eventually we die. There is nothing else to be done in this realm and the form of the atoms to be shuffled about are not only up to you but also how you go about shuffling them. Model wise, most of the atoms I shuffle around involve second hand stuff from eBay, plasticard, glue and paint, however I shuffled a sausage and egg butty down my neck for breakfast just yesterday. Today I shall be fitting some fire doors to a holiday let, once I've had my porridge and a cup of tea, just different sets of atoms in different forms for different reasons. We all shuffle-shuffle, then eventually we shuffle off. Gibbo
Hi Folks, I forgot to mention in the above post, does anyone have photographs or diagrams of either a GNRI B6 or B8 buffet cars ? I have only got photographs of one side of each so far and that is only the half of it ! Gibbo.
Hi Folks, Here is what I've been up to today. I've finished the open third and the the open brake third as well as making up a UTA dining car number 87. As the two GNRI coaches and the UTA dining cars were 60' long I made them slightly longer by cutting the roof section and the frames and slicing some extra length to set them apart form the 58' coaches. As the 58' coaches are a slight short so are the 60' coaches so that they look in proportion to each other without making far too much work. The roof sections had the side glued into them before making up the gap that way they match the length of the side more accurately. Thr undersides of the gutters had any flashes scraped off and then they were filed flat. The top edges of the side were rubbed on some sand paper over a flat surface to make the top edge straight and flat. Sanding the top edge of one of the sides. The roof was reinforced by way of .040" strips cut about 15mm long and 2mm wide mostly made up from scraps. The roof will be made up later where the strips are currently seen. Shewing the strips from both the top and underside. The frames were cut about the centreline and joined with a piece of.060" plasticard 35mm X 18mm bridging the gap. While the glue was tacky I set the length to suit the sides and set them against a straight edge before fitting in another piece of .060" plasticard to fill in the gap with two 3mm tall pieces to make up the sole bars. Top shews the stretcher and bottom the infill pieces. The foot board were removed by scribing along them and shearing them off by carefully bending them with pliers. This is the state of play so far. GNRI L14 open brake third. GNRI K15 open third. GSR Bredin corridor third. GNRI F16 corridor composite. UTA dining car No. 87 GNRI C2 corridor first. GNRI D5 Corridor brake first. GNRI V class with seven on. Gibbo.
Hi Darius, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was the created from crashed wreck of Count Lois Zborowski's 14 litre Mercedes Maybach aero engined racing car that killed him at Monza in 1924. Count Zboorwski was a friend of Captain Howey who continued to build the RH&DR in Kent that was their joint project at that time with Henry Greenly as engineer. The Bassett Lowke class 30 Atlantic is named after him that formerly worked at Fairbourne in West Wales and is not at the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway in Cumbria England. Gibbo.
Hi Folks, I can't be bothered with the Motorail flats at the moment so I'm carrying on with coaches, some micro-strip arrived in the post today so I shall be able to carry on with the locomotives on my other threads sometime soon also. The GNRI open third is coming on and to begin with I filled in every other window aperture with .060" plasticard, the doors were marked out by finding the centre of the infill piece of one door and laying a spare section with a door over it and drawing round the inside of it with a pencil. The door window was cut and filed out to size and then using this as a template I lined the large windows up with the opposite section for all of the doors. When that side was fully marked I used the first door window to repeat the templating on the original side. I repeated the templating process with the small windows either side of the doors in the same way. By doing this I only have to mark out from scratch one set of windows the rest are then templated. I shall use this set of coach sides to mark out for the open brake third as the passenger end is to the same pattern. The open third shewing all of the door windows and the first pairs of small windows. The GSW corridor third after incorrectly filing out the corners of the windows. I picked up the wrong coach side thinking it was one of the GMRI corridor firsts sides. The squared off corners had .060" square rod glued into them which were then filed off flush before having the radii replaced by filing. The only good thing is that I have the opportunity to display the repair technique. The finished GNRI open third and the GSR corridor third, shewing its completed repairs along side the GNRI open third brake. The GNRI open brake third will be templated from the open third which will save a lot of marking out. The white strip bottom left is because I filed too much out of the toilet window so I filed a little more and filleted a .040" make up piece. Gibbo.
Cheers Patrick, Top man for the suggestions of colour shades for GNR liveries, I shall look into those. I'm rather amused to think that I'm going to have some mud brown coloured coaches tough. Edit: I've just been looking up some colours and Humbrol 9 is listed as equivalent to Revell 80 which is interesting as I have some of that from when I painted some coaches for Thomas the Tank Engine. Gibbo.
Hi Folks, I have so far cut and shut a GNRI corridor first and a GSR corridor third. Top is the GNRI corridor firsts from the first class ends of the LMS composite with the left over brake van doors from the brake first built last week. The narrow toilet and corridor windows need to be cut into the left hand ends as seen above. Bottom is the GSR corridor third made from the third class ends of the LMS brake thirds. The corridor side is cut four windows to the left and three windows to the right with a piece cut from double van doors of the LMS brake coach and the compartment side is cut four and four windows with one blanked off with a piece of .060" plasticard so that the toilet windows may be cut in once the glue is cured. I shall have to get around to drawing diagrams for where and how the sections and cuts are to be placed. Gibbo.
Hi Folks, Four hours later: Cut down the ends of the coaches with a razor saw. Scribe several times under the gutter and carefully remove sides. I'm now ready to cut and shut sixteen coach sides into at least seven coaches, should things work out well a possible eight. One thing that has crossed my mind is that I've got some old Mk2's that are surplus and I've been looking at class 70 and class 80 railcars, lets see where this ends up. In other news I have been altering my cocked up Motorail wagons and I have done one side of all seven of them This shews a part altered wagon with every other stanchion removed and replaced with the extra two stanchions that i missed counting put into place hence the irregular pattern. This shews one that is half way complete in altered state, it now has fourteen stanchions on the side nearest, instead of the incorrect twelve, the side furthest which I had originally fitted because I can't count ! Gibbo.
Hi Folks, Here is my latest eBay haul that will be cut and shut into various GNRI, NCC and CIE coaches. Not bad for less that £8.00 each delivered. Gibbo.
Hi There, Thanks for the compliment. The only thing that is holding the job back right now is finding out what paint colours are required, so if you know then by all means post a comment. Gibbo
Hi John, What scale and material are you working with ? I build most of my models from plasticard of and I use various sections of Plastruct or Evergreen sections that come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. As Robert noted above Archers do rivet transfers as does Railtec which I have found to much easier to source direct from Railtec's website. This is a OO gauge crane jib that I have made up from 2mm and 1.6mm angles and various pieces of square section. This is the rest of it although I haven't applied the rivet transfers yet. Gibbo.
Hi Folks, the latest is that I have fitted a boiler band to the barrel of the boiler, beading to the cab and tender and a couple of rain strips to the cab roof. The boiler band was the easy job as all that is required is to fix one end of some .010" x >020" squarely across the model, pull it tight around the boiler and brush some Humbrol liquid poly onto it. A slight more fiddly work with the beadings as I used .020" X .020" square rod which was pre-shaped with tweezers and my thumb nail to match the profiles that is was to follow along the edges of the cab and tender sides. The strip had been curved to shape and glued in place so far and the next bit once cured was to tweak the shape around the cab roof in stages, I work a curve and onto a straight and then wait to cure before again working a curve and along the next straight. The reason is that the straight bit is easy to hold in place and the curve may be manipulated with tweezers if it not quite right and also the straight bit holds the curve in place once the glue starts to cure. There is a tacky stage when things may be gently pushed into place. The cab roof complete with rain strips, the curves at the front of tender are separate pieces as there is a step between the sides and the raves at the top. The curves were fitted first and the straight bits along the tops and across the back were fitted secondarily as it is easier to sight a straight bit into a corner where it meets a curve. Gibbo.
- 51 replies
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NCC W class from Hornby LMS Fowler class 4, 2-6-4 tank
gibbo675 replied to gibbo675's topic in Irish Models
Hi Folks, I've finally got around to cutting out and filing to shape the spectacle plate windows which for what ever reason I hadn't done earlier. While I was at it I fitted boiler bands in the correct positions, these are from .010" X .020" microstrip. To fit them I mark off where they are to go and then fix one end so that it is running squarely over the model and once it is cured I can then pull it tight around the boiler and brush Humbrol liquid poly over it. The boiler barrel is done in two halfs and with the fire box I do one flat side at a time or the sharp radii can cause trouble. Boiler bands part way through the job. Gibbo. -
British locos and stock that can be disguised as Irish
gibbo675 replied to Westcorkrailway's topic in Irish Models
On the subject of re-gauging, I wonder what may have happened if it was the track that had been re-gauged rather than locomotives and stock. The Great Western Railway managed 3000 miles in a weekend...... or so we are told. Gibbo. -
Hi Folks, Is anyone able to tell me the correct shade of blue to paint the V class locomotive ? In fact any paints codes or numbers would be most helpful, I list below colours that I could do with having pointers to any others would be a bonus: GNRI locomotive sky blue GNRI coach dark blue GNRI coach cream GNRI coach mahogany CIE green Thanks in advance, Gibbo.