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Everything posted by thewanderer

  1. Good evening all, Tamper 740 failed between Drogheda and Dundalk on Monday 30th April 2012. It was assisted to Drogheda DMU depot to clear the line. On Tuesday 1st May 2012, loco 207 was sent from Connolly to Drogheda to haul the disgraced Tamper to North Wall where it was recessed for several hours. Later that day, 085 hauled the Tamper to Kildare Per Way Depot where I photographed it arriving just after 2115hrs. The Tamper and a selection of passing 22000 Class at a very wet and dark Kildare are now online at: http://smu.gs/Iwu2pr The Wanderer.
  2. Afternoon all, A brief update consisting of a very much and dull Heuston on Wednesday evening and two Photos from Portarlington earlier today. http://smu.gs/J9avrg The Wanderer.
  3. Evening all, At the Wexford show I photographed this O Gauge 071 Class model at the Belfast Model Shop stand. http://smu.gs/IwPebW A Friend of mine is looking for more details on it? Are the BMS selling these now or was it a once off? Many thanks in advance. The Wanderer.
  4. Evening all, Two updates to the website this evening. The first is of the Coolnamona Bord na Mona system when I managed to photograph LM327 and LM237 on the Peat Train from Clonkeen into the Works at Coolnamona. http://smu.gs/ICVtd4 The 2nd is of 22032 passing Carn with the 1725 Heuston - Limerick on Monday, while on Tuesday there is picture and video of unsilenced 220 at Portlaoise with the 1300 Heuston - Cork. Turn up the volume! http://smu.gs/InvasC Enjoy! The Wanderer.
  5. Good afternoon all, Photos from the RPSI 171 for 171 Tour from Dublin Pearse to Cork which featured 079 throughout on the RPSI Cravens. The highlight of the trip had to be the non stop run attempt from Cork to Dublin Pearse. http://smu.gs/I1TOlo Well done to all concerned! Enjoy! The Wanderer.
  6. Good afternoon all, Three updates today. The first is more additions to the April Gallery featuring photos from Friday evening and Saturday from - Portarlington - Portlaoise - Limerick Jct - Mallow - Kilmallock - Charleville - Cork - Rushbrooke - Inchicore These photos are now available at http://smu.gs/I1YV5d The 2nd update is photos from the RPSI 171 for 171 Tour from Dublin Pearse to Cork which featured 079 throughout on the RPSI Cravens. The highlight of the trip had to be the non stop run attempt from Cork to Dublin Pearse. http://smu.gs/I1TOlo Finally, a video update of unsilenced 220 departing Portarlington with the 2100 Heuston - Portlaoise. http://smu.gs/I1VtUt Enjoy! The Wanderer.
  7. Ah yes good old Killarney. I saw somebody I know on that train. Plus, sadly the Signalman at Killarney, Leo Horgan passed away recently on Tuesday 27th March 2012.
  8. Cheers The as required additional IWT liners operated from Ballina on Wednesday and from Dublin North Wall on Thursday. 073 worked the 1200 North Wall - Ballina IWT liner today and was pictured passing Geashill, along with 22047 which was hot on its heels with the 1230 Heuston - Westport. http://smu.gs/HVJaJk Enjoy, The Wanderer.
  9. They were repainted into the Maroon Livery in the mid 1990's (maybe 95 or 96). They were repainted into standard IE orange and black around 2003 and 2004. The old memory is getting fuzzy!
  10. Hi all, I might as well start the ball rolling here! I'm sure most of you are familar with my website, which has over 11,000 photos of the modern Irish Railway Scene since 2005 to the present day. There are two updates to the website this evening. The first has pictures from Heuston on Tuesday night featuring MKIV's 4005 and 4006 along with 227 and 22002, plus Wednesday evening photos are from Carn Bridge and Ballycullane featuring ex works 234, along with 224, 232, 4003, 22023 + 22028 and 22006. All these pictures are now available at: http://smu.gs/HTloh0'>http://smu.gs/HTloh0 The second update is of 076 visiting the Howth Branch on Easter Monday in connection with the testing of new signalling equipment on the Branch. http://smu.gs/HTloh0 Enjoy, The Wanderer.
  11. Good evening all, Glad to have joined IRM-A. Hope it all goes well on this voyage. The Wanderer.
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