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irishmail last won the day on February 24 2023

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    Co. Mayo


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    Most railway related things, Model in N, 00 and 0 scale.

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  1. Try putting in for sale section with pictures and prices. Maybe they are 'Free'. Clicked on the link/attachment but nothing happens.
  2. Looking for transfers/decals for Arriva Trains MK2 coaches that operated over the Settle - Carlisle route in 2003-2004. Railtec or Fox transfers dont do then at present. Any bus enthusiast have any sugestions? 1/76 00 scale.
  3. *BUMP* Final chance before they go to landfill which would be a shame.
  4. Any takers before they go to landfill/recycling??!!!
  5. Professionally bound complete issues of 2004 and 2005 Model Railroader magazine in very good condition. Various odd issues of Model Railroader Various issues of Model Railroad and planning. Although mainly American focused there is plenty of reference material for all types of railway modelling. Collection only due to weight.
  6. I have copied and pasted links to the original ads, hopefully it works!!
  7. @DJ Dangerous Where are our samples ha-ha.
  8. GLS 'good luck service'! Parcel finally delivered from Germany yesterday having been shipped on 30th Dec. Pity the retailer don't offer an alternative option for posting.
  9. I got that too on my pc in chrome and firefox.
  10. Looking at the thread on RMweb it seems to be a problem with UK based subscribers too!! (See latest post in that topic) https://www.rmweb.co.uk/forums/topic/186507-railway-modeller-subscription/page/2/#comment-5726087
  11. Got a reply from GLS, seems a feeble excuse blaming Holyhead, especially as I have had delivery's from UK and EU since then. They did not even tell me where the parcel currently is! I have now contacted the supplier in Germany and await their reply. "Hey , Thankyou for reaching out to GLS Customer service. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. This parcel is still in transit and we are facing some delays due to backlog of parcels from December as these were stuck due to the holyhead issue. Please reach out if any further assist is required. Thanks. Regards Shhivansh GLS Customer Representative"
  12. @Tarabuses Not sure what is happening with the Peco/Railway Modeller subscription issues. I emailed them earlier in the week about the January issue and they just sent a plain reply that a new issue will be sent out and no explanation as to why there are any issues with the postal/ delivery system. Anyway, this morning our postie delivered the January issue and another December copy? The December copy is a strange one, as I received that issue in a reasonable time frame in November and did not have to contact Peco about it.. Next will be to see when the February copy turns up which is out now.
  13. Just need the class 45 now.
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