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irishthump last won the day on April 18 2024

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    Dun Laoghaire

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  1. Good to know Boskonay, thanks.
  2. My details are correct but none of my preorders are there.
  3. Looks really good! By the way, bristles from a brush make really good reeds and long grass.
  4. Awesome! Can't wait to run these in a mixed rake with some Cravens!
  5. Pulled the trigger and preordered a Falcon (my needs are small!) Sadly I can't get over to the show this year, but kudos to IRM for producing this loco. Can't wait!
  6. Wow! Can't wait! I recently got myself a spare Bachmann class 20 chassis and was about to pull the trigger on a Silver Fox resin kit so this couldn't come at a better time. Only problem is which one to order...
  7. Well done IRM for being open and transparent with their customers and also for making the effort to still deliver on as much as they possibly can.
  8. They've been around for a while... https://www.independent.ie/regionals/wexford/enniscorthy-news/bobby-of-the-family-sludds-may-be-jailed/27250040.html
  9. Very sad to hear we have lost another member of our community. Thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
  10. My guess is they used the same tooling as the earlier run of 141's.
  11. Damn near perfect weathering.
  12. Nice work. Personally I'd put a heavy layer of track/brake dust on the bogies an underframe, but it still looks great.
  13. Well if the hat fits...
  14. Nice work! Can I give you a little tip for the road surface? I always find black is a little harsh for tarmac, try rubbing down the road surface with a very fine sandpaper. It gives a lovely worn appearance.
  15. On a whim I bought some of the Hornby magnetic couplings last week and I’ve been experimenting with them. I already fitted them to a rake of the cheap MK1 coaches that came with the My Model Railway Village magazine a few years ago. They’re a little too short for those coaches and need to be glued in part way on the NEM pockets. But one fitted they work fine. I then tried them on the IRM ferts and they seem fine. The coupling bar that IRM provide with the wagons works fine, but I wanted to be able to break the rake down easily for storage. The 17mm Hornby couplers are the perfect size.
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