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Everything posted by BosKonay

  1. This back wall as seen here basically:"
  2. Any suggestions for back of the rearmost sidings? The shortlist at the moment is: - Very low relief back of terraces with either tall concrete wall in front, or blue sound proof screening fence type thing - Very low relief industrial / warehouse type buildings - A mix of both above - Just a big tall wall! Or could do a 11 foot type wall, with some trees and stuff visible behind?
  3. I saw a great tutorial I'm going to try on the next stretch. It basically involved painting PVA onto the shoulder, then applying the ballast. This lets the ballast stick to the trackbed and stops it rolling off or piling up (as can clearly be seen on my first photo above) A little more time, but probably worth a go. I need to invest in a hand held dustbuster thing too, to help recover the unstuck ballast
  4. Forgive the first shot - it's a bit out of focus, this is one of the three yard roads, so I'm aiming for a ballast over the ties look.
  5. Dry the Woodlands isn't as bad, but I'm stick going to use the Gaugemaster for the mainline and platform terminiii... Ballasting is almost as much fun as wiring
  6. Let us know how you get on Kirley!
  7. Just found this http://www.scalescenes.com/products/R025-Water-Tower?PHPSESSID=1a152be57fe53873617daf341b31aba3 and noticed it looks enough like this http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20N/North%20Wall/slides/NorthWall_20090615_028_CC_JA.html to be bashed into shape for the yard
  8. Yea, dull it down and a good spray of muck and cement dust
  9. Me neither I've decided on Gaugemaster ballast for the trackwork, it looks most like the wet, dark grey stuff I see on the tracks. I'll then use woodlands grey and brown for gravel (like the patch above between the tracks (which will later be filthied up, dead bushes, some brown grass, etc) and unused sidings, etc.
  10. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/491-Bachmann-Midland-Pullman
  11. Can't find any pricing anywhere as yet!
  12. Great vid Anthony - thanks a mil - looks brilliant!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj1Yww_y3Ok
  14. Cheers Anthony - will check that out!
  15. Top / left is Gaugemaster Bottom / right is Woodlands. Any opinions (bear in mind the woodlands is wet, I assume it will dry a little darker)
  16. Here is a photo of the Gaugemaster covered siding
  17. Having a little bit of track to ballast, I've been experimenting with a few options, and would be grateful for the insight of fellow members! Initially, I did a siding with Gaugemaster http://www.gaugemaster.com/item_details.asp?code=GM114&style=&strType=&Mcode=Gaugemaster%20GM114 It went down well, looks like irish ballast (being multi coloured natural granite) and took the glue from the dropper without movement, bubbling, etc. Next, I tried Woodlands Scenic's Grey Blend. This went down ok, but didn't cover as well as the Gaugemaster, and trying to dropper glue resulted in bubbles and the gluw rolling off the ballast. I next tried to spray the ballast with 'wet' water, which resulted in clumping and the whole thing looking like muck a little I droppered the glue in anyway, and will photo both sidings once everything is dry in 24 hours. Just wondering what other's ballast experience has been - from my tests, I think I'll be going with the gaugemaster for the rest...
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