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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. What keeps the door from opening en route so to speak?

    Thanks Leslie for posting the pics! And to Kirley for your comment.


    The door believe it or not, when closed actually stays closed, I was thinking about making a latch of some sort but it would be over scale and taking it too far haha, so instead there are 2 strips of plasticard on the ends of the bodies and when the door is pushed shut it lodges in quite nicely.


  2. I've always been recommend peco gear lube, obviously for gears, but I've never tried it myself, although I do use some very fine oil that I bought from Squires for moving parts such as valve gear and coupling rods.

  3. Wow! Thank you very much everyone! Seriously I appreciate all your comments, it always makes me proud of my work and happy with it :) and if anyone has any constructive criticism or advice fire away :D thank you again!


    You know what murrayec, it probably is xD

  4. Thank you very much everyone for your comments ^^


    Here's the completed wagon, it should have more lettering but my transfer sheet is knackered so I must get round to buying a new one haha. Seen here in the UTA short lived PW livery.






  5. You just fly the quad copter in a 360 degree circle as they can spin on their own axis

    No, no I mean like this [video=youtube_share;t99N223fqCo]

    you could also livestream it, so you can be sitting at home and checking out what's happening at an exhibition in another country :) in real time.
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