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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. My most recent work that has been done on the workbench was this commission which involved me having to re-letter/re-number, add details along with lamps, and figures to three Bachmann engines. I thoroughly enjoyed this because they are all freelance locomotives which allowed me to get creative and add my own touches to them.





    Because I had other projects on the go I thought I would be sensible to keep all of the screws somewhere safe and prevent them getting mixed up with other bits and bobs. So I did this.


    Here are the finished locomotives and I hope the owner is as pleased with them as I am.






  2. With the Cultra show fast approaching, I wasn't able to build my own NER P7 hoppers unfortunately, however I was relatively lucky to find this trio on eBay which I have tidied up, added a coal load and added metal wheels along with couplings.




  3. Hello everyone,


    Sorry for not updating this thread sooner but I have been kept busy and rarely find the time to write updates such as these ones.


    The first project I managed to complete was this Caledonian Railway wagon, which with the help from Londontram who is on another forum, I was able to accurately paint and letter it. Now it just needs a running number which Londontram has also helped me to source. So many thanks to him.


    I didn't follow the ratio method of fixing the bogies because I felt It need something a bit more free moving and reliable so I've used 8ba nuts and bolts. The result works very well. I added some real iron ore which helped to hide the metal weights below.



    Quite a random project but I had fun with it.


  4. Rivet transfers as mentioned above are great if you need to do full rows of rivets, however if the rivets are placed irregulary then applying individual ones from evergreen strips are probably the best option.

  5. Here's a really quick video showing the U class running, my example was perfect straight out of the box and ran no problem. All the footage is raw un edited stuff, so no slow mo involved haha. Will do a proper running video and review sometime this week, just wanted to make this video to address any concerns anyone had about the engine and its running. Would have done a proper vid but coursework needs done first. Sorry about the lighting and quality.


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  6. I missed my loco arriving on the Friday, however I'll be going down tommorow to pick it up. I cannot wait. Good idea about the nameplate and builders plate. I have ordered from narrow planet before and their service is very good.

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