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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. I noticed this too but have yet to see any photos of the actual model, which makes me wonder if they have changed their plans? Hattons recently showcased that Dapol are making a UTA livery variant.


    This is what I had mentioned to a friend, nothing official/factual, just my theory. "I noticed that about Dapol changing their plans as well... Rather strange, but the UTA livery must be more attractive to them/their customers. If I recall correctly there is another NCC O gauge livery jinty on the market, albeit from one of the retro/tinplate companies, so I wonder if that swayed their decision at all". 


  2. Hello everyone, 

    I hope we are all safe and sound during these awful times! The only good thing to come from it however is more time at the workbench! 

    For me I have now finished university, and due to the pandemic it was a rush of chaotic mayhem, but I'm glad to say everything is done and dusted! I was also selected for a job interview, but due to the virus, this has been postponed. So it's just a waiting game. 

    Enough about real world problems, me and rubbish! I almost visit the forum daily and it's just so good to check out what other people are getting up to. So I hope to do the same! There have also been a number of notifications from post reactions and approval, from over the past couple of months, which I am very grateful of, so thank you!  

    During my time at university, my modelling has been progressing at a snails pace! And even at that, my military modelling comes out on top! So hopefully that'll change. One thing I did do over lockdown was restore this NCC rail chair. I obtained it a while ago and decided to clean it up using a wire brush. Once that's done, gave it a coat of red oxide, gloss black and outlined the letters in white. 

    Take care! 



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  3. Thank you for the tag Midland Man, and to JHB for posting that picture of WT No2, it really is the bees kness! 

    With regards to my model, I don't have it now as it was a commission, but I based it off the quote from "UTA in colour". It states that U2 No80 was painted in olive green... What shade? I'm unsure, so I felt that a dark olive green colour would suit best and applied the letters "UT" as they were seen on some engines during the early years of the UTA. 

  4. Hello all, 

    I plan to come down to the show on Sunday, making use of the enterprise from Belfast. However can someone please advise me on how to get to the show once I arrive in Dublin? I recall someone said that the DART won't be in operation during those dates. 

    Thank you in advance, 


  5. I built a representation of these wagons (seen below) a couple of years ago. They are not entirely accurate, but very close. These were straight "Cambrian Models" wagon kits, the exact code, I am unsure of, but still easily obtainable direct from the new owner of the company. 


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  6. Hello all, thought I would share this. Started it two years ago, but had issues with the running qualities, so recently I took it back out and stripped it down and improved the running. Now I'm happy that its complete and finished. 





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  7. Hello all, 

    I believe this is the first model that I have completed in 2018, started it at the Bangor show and I'm happy to finish it. Still need to add couplings and transfers (I completely forgot about them) 







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  8. Hello all, 

    Not too sure whether this is going to be successful or not but I am after a OO gauge resin kit of the NIR Hunslet, the body kit or casting will be fine for me, so if anyone has one they are wanting to get rid of, let me know! Thanks in advance, 


  9. 2 hours ago, Richard EH said:

    Nelson did a great job of converting a Bachmann C class into a GNRi PGs I think?

    Thank you for the mention, I did indeed create a PG class (number 10) but it was from the GBL series with a Bachmann jinty chassis and new tender one. I do have however a BR black Bachmann one that needs to be done, so it'll be on the workbench soon enough. I've attached these photos as I find them better than the other ones, they give you idea of what's involved, not too much really. 




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