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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Hello everyone,


    Firstly thank you everyone for your kind words above, much appreciated. And Popeye I haven't a clue yet haha, I still have yet to think about that.


    I could waffle a bit about why it's taken me so long to do some actual modelling but that would be boring and quite repetitive I would assume, so instead looking to the positives I have just this evening completed this LNER Quint D Bogie Bolster wagon from Cambrian. And what a different experience it was! I have never until this kit ever made anything similar and I have to say the whole built was quite satisfying. I could have utilised some brass stanctions, brake gear etc... But decided not to and just go with the kits examples. I think it turned out quite well. I even managed to weigh down the thing quite well so it runs quite happily the way I want it to. Now I've just got to paint it and add 3 link couplings.







  2. Hello all!


    Thanks to everyone contributing to this thread, it's really rather interesting to see what's out there and there are some real nice things.


    My collection is slowly growing with the addition of these two heavy pieces, they were both found one day while I was out and about on the beach. So took them home and cleaned them up, the GNR one wasn't in too bad of a condition, it only required some wire brushing and removal of some rust. The only downside is that one corner is broken, but it doesn't bother me really. Dad did the painting on both as he likes doing this sort of salvaging.




    This one is a complete mystery to me, it's obviously missing more than half which is a pity, and the rail company is probably on the missing half, but I cannot figure out the company or even the aproximate date, would anyone have any ideas?






  3. When starting off, it's all trial and error, you need to see what works for you and what doesn't. The first thing I did when I started was to buy a lot of whitemetal and brass wagon detailing parts off eBay and I quickly built up a fair collection of various buffers, axel boxes etc... Some of which I still have today and work from there.

  4. Myself and others have found that if you are wanting to replicate a wooden bodied wagon or a wooden underframe then the best way to go about it is through the use of plastic, resin, wood or whitemetal. This is because if you are using sheet metal or metal sections, it just simply would not be able to accurately represent what you want it to look like. And whilst it would be ok for steel underframes or metal bodies stock, it just won't capture the chunkiness quite as good. However despite me saying this, it is not impossible and some manufactures do indeed do this and the results can be quite good, examples can be found in the bill Bedford range and also D&S models.

  5. Lovely, thanks TDR, I also see some white metal MIR kits going for sale on eBay, is this also from the same person? If so that's a great move because making the range available online would be so much handier.

  6. There were two Colin, one standard one and a high sided one often known as a bread carts for some reason. You can get the smaller one as a resin kit from golden arrow models and it is suitable for use behind V1's etc however for the U2's you need to scratchbuild it. The reason why some U2's had the old tender was because they were from the U, and U1's when being converted.


    On another note, if you want to model a U2 (or mogul) with a Stanier tender, you cannot use any that are RTR this is because the length is longer than it should be, to fix this you can either cut down the length of the tender or by a brass kit from brass masters.

  7. I was very surprised to see that each of the 3 NCC number plates went for 500 or less each. There was one for sale last month on the mainland and it went for £750.


    Number plate 100 I thought should have sold for a lot more, anyway if I wasn't a student and not saving up for uni, then I would have definitely bid, ah well plenty more time left.

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