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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Thanks for the comments all!


    Kirely, there are so many different methods of making the middle axle move or have some play in it. But to be honest I think this is by far the simplest way. I just remove the flanges on the centre wheel and lift the axle slightly. It does look a little unsightly and the wheel may not rotate all the time but it does allow me to run it over point work and round 3rd radius curves no problem at all.


    Junctionmad, I apologise I have used the wrong terminology. The W irons (in my case are cosmetic) are plasticard products made for my by a good friend. I will hopefully show them in usage during the next update. image.jpeg

  2. Hello everyone,


    I thought I would just share my latest project that I started a few weekends ago, it's a BCDR brake van of 1800's design. This came about just from a sudden urge of modelling which meant I had to make my own W irons, which is good because it allowed me to practise more with my piercing saw and soldering iron. I have also made a start on the sides last night. I have no idea when this will be finished as it is just ticking over in the background, but that doesn't bother me as I do like to take my time haha. The chassis as it is, is already fairly heavy but I will still be adding weights onto the inside later on. I have no idea what livery to paint this in once it's finished because they did see action with the UTA, albeit for a short time. But I'm thinking a BCDR livery would be a nice contrast.








  3. If I were to scratch build some Irish rolling stock is it possible to buy metal strapping with proper bolt heads showing in 00 gauge?

    Yes, a company called Mainly Trains used to do this for excellent value for money, but unfortunately that have closed down now. However you can by a Bill Bedford version albeit slightly more expensive and you get a lot less. I'll get a link for you now.

  4. Hello All,


    Here's my very first thing that I bought, I think it was either 4 or 5 years ago, as you can see, it's been cleaned and sand blasted but now just needs a coat of red oxide and then the black and white paint applied.



    More to come possibly later today or tomorrow,


  5. Hello all!


    As the title suggests, does anyone here have any form of railwayana in their home or railway room? And would care to share with the rest of us? I have my own few NCC cast iron plates and I'll post some pictures up tomorrow but I was just wondering if other people have any gems either Irish or U.K.




    Edit: I know the "a" is missing from the title, any way to fix this?

  6. "Liquid lead" is a pourable granular product which can be set with PVA glue in any space/crevice in a model and adds decent weight. Might work here?

    DO NOT use PVA for fixing liquid lead or metal BB's. over on RMweb there have been people who filled loco boilers with it and slowly overtime a chemical reaction happens and causes the glue to expand with great force. I would recommend using superglue, any £1 shop super glue would work for this job.

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