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Dunluce Castle

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Posts posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Hello all,


    Now that I'm commuting to Coleraine nearly everyday, you very easily spot movements on the network, such as the Sandite, new PW thing movin about and even some new wagons, which is what this thread is about.


    On Tuesday I noticed a flat bed bogie wagon off the traverser at York Road. It is nearly identical to those stored in Ballymena but they look brand new, with glossy black paint and the springs/axle boxes picked out in blue and yellow. What I want to know is what are they used for? Whilst passing Antrim today, there were 4 yellow boxes on top filled with ballast. The capacity looked very low compared to the ballast wagons currently at Blfast Central.


    I remember reading on this forum that the construction of them isn't as good as others, so it makes me wonder why new ones are being obtained, that is if they are new of course.


    I'd be interested to read if anyone has any knowledge or understanding about these wagons.


  2. Hello all,



    I have spotted this for sale on Gumtree, however I won't be making a purchase, so this is just a heads up. I've already informed the seller that it is a wagon plate instead of one that comes off an engine, but i believe they are still persisting that it is one.


    Anyhow as I said, just a heads up, if your interested and willing to pay then work away, it's a nice example. However I do believe the price should be around £90 to £100. Previous BNCR wagon plates have sold for £60,£65,£80.


    There is also a LMS NCC wagon plate for sale if anyone is interested.


    Hope this helps,


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