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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Would you have a rough price bracket Retro
  2. Yes I did see what was posted up in the middle of the night. Some people have little to do
  3. The customer supplied me with the photo above as they wanted 012 to run with tara mines wagons I did for them before. 012 was the last A Class to work the Tara's and they took the picture on that day. It took me a long time weathering this one as I wanted it to look just like the photo supplied. BTW the customer loved it.
  4. Have you a link to the one Bachmann are promising Seephen
  5. [video=youtube;N65J_166c-M]
  6. 201 fitted with sound C8ps7tfXJlQ%3D
  7. hbaSY07zLXA%3D
  8. idgqDwSmZBM%3D
  9. Yes Stephen that's the point I'm making Paddy always says he need to sell what's out there before he can bring more out. If the Super Train is on the shelves how many people could turn their noses up at one and walk away. If he keeps the most popular till the last until the least popular sell out.
  10. Yep its me:rolleyes:
  11. Here you go Fran this one I did now lives in America
  12. I made a few simple modification to the circuit board on my 201 to enable the cab lights to work. I am using a TCS 6 function 21 pin decoder but this modification will work with any 21 pin 6 function decoder. You will need 2 resistors, a soldering iron, solder and a pair of tweezers In this picture we have the circuit board before I start work First start by removing the diodes and resistors with your soldering iron. The ones you are looking to remove are marked R1,R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, Q1, Q2 Then take your 2 resistors and solder them where I have in the picture below. Now you will have F0 side lights. F1 full beam #1 end. F2 full beam #2end. F3 cab light #1 end, F4 cab light #2 end Some decoder manufactures tell you to remove the suppressors fitted to whatever loco you have. On the MM 201 these are the green bulb (black,red,silver stripe on them) shaped devices either side of the decoder. Remove these with your soldering iron and with your tweezers pull the red and black wires across and resolder job done I hope some of you guys find this helpful its not hard to do even if you don't have any soldering experience and it enables you to buy any 6 function 21 pin decoder
  13. Some of the model in production
  14. I was looking at photos of B113 in Cultra and got to thinking that a lot of you guys never seen the fantastic models that Hiddenagenda produced of this loco last year. Hiddenagenda did a production of 12. 10 of these were sold to the public via Dave Bracken, 1 was for Hiddenagenda and 1 was for myself. They were built from brass and plasticard and powered by a Bachmann class 20 chassis with the proper bogies fitted. The painting of all 12 was done by myself and they were available in 3 different liveries with the exception of 1 green livery with a white strip for Dave's own collection. I have to say that I have had many hours of enjoyment with this loco and it has to be the best scratch built loco I have seen by a member of this site It makes the Shapeways model look like a car crash. If it only was a beer it would be called Carlsberg This is my own one B114 and yes before you guys say it she was the only one out of the 12 to be weathered. Enjoy the photos A couple of videos of the BoBo Sulzer on my layout
  15. Bachmann 2-6-0 LMS Crab BR Logo's and numbers removed Springside White Metal Detail Pack Fitted Round Handel added to Smokebox Door Kadee Couplings Fitted Real Coal added to Tender Loco and Tender Weathered using airbrush and weathering powders TCS DP2X-UK Decoder Fitted This was my Xmas present from Amanda Bought in Hattons a couple of weeks ago when we were in Liverpool. I have only weathered a couple of Steamers but really starting to like them
  16. Murphy Models 141 Class #161SA Weathered Using Airbrush and Weathering Powders Kadee Couplings Added Gaugemaster Trainsave TSV01A 8pin decoder fitted with a 21-8 pin converter .
  17. Murphy Models 201 Class #220 Weathered Using Airbrush and Weathering Powders Kadee Couplings Added Bachmann 21 pin Decoder fitted
  18. Some NIR Coaches Painted and Weathered NIR Driving trailer 812 Painted and Weathered
  19. A little something different for you Mk3 Cafe/Bar
  20. Here are a few I weathered a couple of weeks ago for a good customer of mine. They wanted a very heavy weathered 012 and supplied the photos to work from. Hope you like. Silverfox A Class 012 Heavy Weathering MM 141 Class renumbered 147 and weathered MM 141/181 Class. B165 Weathered
  21. A big thank you to ttc0169 for the use of his photos while weathering 229. Here are some of the photos I used.
  22. 222 222 was lightly weathered
  23. Dirty Sisters 229/222 I recently got 229/222 so as usual they had to get hit with the weathering stick I weathered 299 quite heavily so here's a few pics for you 229 Before 229 After
  24. Hiddenagenda's Beat Wagons Hiddenagenda sent me down some of his new beat wagons that he is producing to build paint and weather so you guys could all see what can be achieved with the new kit
  25. I got round to weathering 201 and 8208 I just gave them a light weathering as most of the photo's I looked at they seemed to be quite clean.
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