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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Stephen I don't think McGeown's Scania was a 1:76 model was it not 1:50. I may be wrong. Francie McGeown the owner of the company is a good friend of mine and I will be kicking his backside because he didn't give me one. http://irishrailwaymodels.info/images/35219T_McGeown-International.jpg
  2. Rich if you ever get a chance to call up and see me you will be amazed at how good a model it is in real life. I keep mine in a glass cabinet and only run it now and again its that special
  3. You are getting as bad as me for staying up late. BTW did you get a chance to copy that thing for me we talked about
  4. Rich I was going to say something there but I thing you would have to edit my post =))=))
  5. I didn't notice that Rich. I must get me a good video camera as the iPhone ain't great at close ups
  6. Fran you should know my repaints are of a better quality than that. Had a look at his video and those one's ain't the best they are Ok I suppose. Personally I wouldn't be happy with them.
  7. Fran your killing me mate. Why can't we have nice liveries like that over here
  8. Some other bed time viewing you guys shouldn't have a problem sleeping tonight
  9. Never had any dealings with him mate
  10. I don't think so mate its been bed time viewing for a lot of us on here for a long time a bit of an on going joke really.
  11. He's at it again the most boring man on YouTube. This time he is doing a voice over on a layout. Nice layout BTW but I fell asleep after a couple of minutes listening to him.
  12. The training Stephen put us through was very demanding have a look [video=youtube;o0tZCn3-wyA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0tZCn3-wyA&feature=related
  13. The moderating team are always hard at work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v49hHVEQFNY&feature=g-all-lik
  14. Hi guys I'm looking for 4 end corridors (gangways) for jouef mk3 coaches if anybody has any could they please PM me. Thanks Anthony
  15. Never Never use a screwdriver to remove the body from a 141/181 they simply pull off
  16. I bought a few MRSI wagons of Wrenneire at the weekend and you guys know me I like my weathering so have a look and I hope you enjoy
  17. If you look closely you can see a lot of dirt on the top of the boiler and the cab roof its a pity Bachmann never made the rain cover from the cab roof to the tender
  18. I think its going to be a challenge to get the look just right with out over doing it or under doing it I'm studying plenty of pics if any of you guys have any good photos of Tornado post them up here so we can have a butchers. BTW I do love a challenge
  19. Thanks for that mate
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