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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Well I finally got around to weathering Tornado here's the pictures
  2. When I used to fire mine up the seat used to go down because the horns used so much air
  3. Unfortunately that will not happen spoke to Ian and Egar at the Bangor and they assured me that was the end of it
  4. Or order on line
  5. ah anthony, we all do regret decisions that we made in the past -its in our nature to think of what might have been! just think about what you have...2 grand girls (even though you are probably hen pecked like the rest of us or riddled as the case may be if you are a bad boy!), you have a big model railway..and your alive!! not to mention that us plonkeers are here to slag you at any oppertunity!! Thanks Man
  6. Well spotted I can only assume it was maybe there for the passengers getting on or of the bus in the country side or to help the driver see when pulling in or out of bus stops I'm not sure hopefully someone will let us know
  7. A very short looking rake Garfield do they not usually run 7 coaches in a rake
  8. Conor lives in the States its only evening there what will he be like come mid night
  9. I use this glue with those kits its very good:)
  10. =))=)) I have a set of those train horns lying in my garage your giving me ideas
  11. I'm just gob smacked looking at your work
  12. I got rail through the west of Clifton for £16 at the Bangor
  13. It just made my week mate
  14. Eamonn they were a dream to drive it was just like driving a car. It was a nice start to the day when you got your running board and you found out you got an RH to drive. The other options you could have got in Ringsend at the time were a KD, D, or vanhool. I did my test in a D but believe me if you got a D or a Vanhool to do your days shift in you weren't as happy. The KD wasn't a bad old girl to drive either and the dash was nice and low so it made a good foot rest for your left foot and they were quite comfy to drive. The biggest thing when you got type trained in the RH was getting used to the retarder on the brakes. When you put your foot on the brake pedal nothing would happen it takes a moment for the brakes to come in. The funny thing was that when you were out getting type trained everyone would panic when they hit the brakes for the first time then their natural reaction was to push the pedal further into the floor causing the rest of us hang on for dear life as the RH glued itself to the road. Once you mastered that she was a dream. I envy what the guys have to drive in Dublin Bus now a days looking at some of the new buses on show at the weekend. I do regret till this day my decision to leave Dublin Bus and move back home I always think of what could have been. Out of all the jobs I have had over the years its the only one looking back I looked forward to going to work every day. The guys in Ringsend were great to work with every one watched out for every one and me been the youngest in the garage at the time the senior drivers always made sure I was OK it was like a big family.
  15. Thats just stunning well done
  16. Garfield as the Mrs said to me my face said it all
  17. Love his channel and some great modelling
  18. South Belfast is just as bad mate=))
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