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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. All Ok mate actually got a run over to Sheffield as well to you guest it
  2. I have to agree with you Fran the 141/181 sets the bench mark
  3. The new layout looks great Wiggy I will miss the old one. I see the Mk3 cafe/bar in one of the pics I'm glad it got a good home, hope your enjoying it. Keep the layout photos coming.
  4. The sound is an after market add on
  5. Right mate we are getting our wires crossed here Here is how it works. For this exercise we are going to use 4 locos we will call them 201,071,141,121 You are running 121 in recall 1. 201 in recall 2. So you decide you want to run 071 so you enter that locos address now you have 3 locos running 121,201,071. So you go to look at recall 1 which had 121 in it. It has now dropped 121 and it says 071 but 121 is still running but you only have control over 071. Recall 2 still says 201 So lets call up 141 now you have recall 1 with control over 071 and recall 2 with control over 141. 201 has been dropped from recall 2 but it is still running. Now we are going to call up 121 again as soon as you do this 121 which was running with no control over it will stop. Recall 1 will now read 121 but 071 will still keep running you now have control over 121 in recall 1 So we now have 201,071 running but not showing in any recall and no control over them and 121 in recall 1 and 141 in recall 2.
  6. I was away yesterday mate (at hospital in Manchester) so just playing catch up at the minute. As regards trying out different systems I tried as many as I could get my hands on and to be fair the NCE power cab was by far the best for me. Another tip is when you are at a show just ask some of the clubs for a go on their systems I have yet to be told no you can't
  7. I would pay good money not too
  8. Sorry Boss didn't see this as I had to go to Sheffield and Manchester late Wednesday night didn't get home till 04:30 this morning
  9. Once you get what ever system you choose it won't take you long to figure out how it all works. After all your supposed to be part of this computer generation. As for been an eejit I'm affraid non of us can help you there you just going to have to live with it
  10. When you type in the address of the 3rd 4th 5th 6th etc etc nothing stops running
  11. Let me put the power cab 1.5 amp issue to bed for you. Before I got the SB3a add on and when I had the old layout in my attic I did a test to see how many 141/181's I could run with the basic power cab putting out 1.5 amps the total I was able to run was 14. 7 on the up line and 7 on the down. The layout I have at the minute is massive compared to the last one and I have got the SB3a upgrade and I have yet had the need to run 14 locos at any one time. So I think that 1.5 amps should be more than enough for you.
  12. Answered this question the other day for you how many times do you need to ask (going round in circles me thinks you are) Here is a link in case you can not remember the 3rd and 4th post on the page http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/270-Converting-to-DCC/page2
  13. The subject has been covered loads of time on this and the old board and all over the internet as I posted somewhere else on this board (can't remember where) it comes down to what you like everyone will say there system is best /Boskonay likes lenz / Enniscorthyman likes the Prodigy and bought it because some of his friends had it / I like the Power Cab the only one thing we have in common is we all started with a DCC starter set hornby/bachmann and our advice is buy a specialised DCC system as to what it all comes down to you what you like. Some of the systems may have slight differences in the amount of functions they can do but they all do in a round about way the same thing. I personally don't like the prodigy as I think it looks cheap in the way its finished it also a MRC just dressed up in a different case. The Lenz I don't like the display and the way the control buttons are layed out. The power cab is what I went for as it ticked all the boxes I wanted I also added the NCE SB3a which took the power cab up to 5amp and also gives me 6 recalls. Now my system won't suite Boskonay or Enniscorthyman and they will find faults with the NEC power cab that won't suit them. As I have said before we can all tell you what we think but we will all tell you that ours is the best and at the end of the day it will all come down to what size of layout you have how many trains you want to run and most of all what you like. Do what I did and call Fiona at DCC Supplies she won't push any one system on to you as she sells most of them but she will tell you the pros and cons between them
  14. I will be looking for your post in 6 months time titled MY BACHMANN DYNAMIS WON'T WORK
  15. The top 2 look very like English 9F's I assume they are the French version
  16. Looking good Boss the points are a very smooth change over
  17. Thats a fine big layout I'm looking forward to seeing more video's of it
  18. I've fallen in LOVE
  19. PM Wrenneire (Dave Bracken) as he will be able to do a valuation for you
  20. My voice says I HATE FOOTBALL:mad::mad: they are nothing only a bunch of over grown sissies running around a field kicking a bag of wind
  21. I'm really looking forward to getting some of Glenderg's kits
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