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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Lad's here are some detailed pictures of 071. I hope they are of some help to any one for a reference for building and painting projects. Most pictures that are available on line are of the whole loco and it can be hard to see the detail if you are doing a project.
  2. I have a couple of Lima locos that I have fitted DCC to and they run like a dream the only down side is they are noisy compared to more modern DCC ready locos.
  3. Great job Kirley both you and Eamonns brake vans the the best I've seen to date on the site well done lads
  4. Prise both sides out and the body will lift off
  5. Sorry mate I don't sell my collection but I could paint some up for you if you like
  6. In push pull mode I know that my 121's and 201's can work the Mk3 driving trailer and that the 071 can't but what about the 141/181 were they kitted out for push pull as I've seen them double heading with 121's and the Mk3 driving trailer
  7. I have nearly 100 Mk3's so I will be sorting the windows out on a few of them to run with her
  8. Yes its the RTR Silverfox model
  9. I didn't want to disappoint so some light weathering
  10. I have to agree with you Seamus about how uneven the track looks if that was a layout there would be derailments all over the place
  11. Glad you love them mate doing 5 more for a another member of the site will post some pics when they are finished
  12. I picked this up at the weekend at Clontarf. Big Thank you to Chris Dyer for bringing it over from the Uk for me
  13. Great to see the youngsters taking an interest in model trains instead of sitting in front of a computer all night. Keep up the good work
  14. At the end of the day mate there ain't much different in the top systems it all comes down to personal choice in the end
  15. For the life of me I just can't understand why NIR do not terminate the Enterprise at GVS instead of that hell hole they call Central Station.
  16. When Rails of Sheffield take trade-ins it doesn't matter what condition your model is in its worth something I hope Seamus extends the same offer as Rails of Sheffield as I will pop down to see him myself if he does
  17. :-bd:-bd:-bd
  18. We were staying in Coventry and after 1 or 22 drinks the lads and myself decided to borrow a couple of flouresent tubes from the hotel and stand under the pylons in the field beside the hotel and yes it does work
  19. I got a cracking deal on 222 a crying shame the shops over here could not match their price and a few layout bits and pieces. The big shock was when they brought me down to their second hand store which is about 3 doors down and you have to ask them. It was like a gold mine for example 3 lima mk2ds / 1 lima mk1 resturant / and a lima mk3 total £10. 10 lengths of peco wooden sleeper flexi track as new £9 not counting the wagons and other things etc I got. A fantastic shop with really great prices. As for the big American loco in the window I was just so tempted only she who must be obeyed was with me as she bought a new estate car over there the big boot came in handy.
  20. When I was in Sheffield yesterday I had the pleasure of calling into Rails of Sheffield. A big thank you to the staff for being so friendly and making me feel so welcome One for Frans Christmas stocking
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