We can't blame the police as you can see in the video the driver of the police car did everything in his power to try and stop the guy on the horse with the police car. Everything short of ramming him off the road which I would have done if it had of been me.
The problem is that the police are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't.
If some one pulls a gun on an officer and the office shoots him in self defence. That officer has to be stood down and go through a load of rigmarole to prove that he can justify his actions and save not only his job but also his freedom as if he is found to be at fault he could face criminal charges.
The problem here is the government and society both are equally to blame as its now a case of that's the way travellers behave sure they don't fit in with the rest of us so leave them to it instead of the government and society standing up and saying right lads all of you that we have seen on You Tube breaking the law/dangerous driving/etc/etc or even just for been there.
6 months minimum behind bars.
There is to much pussy footing around people like this cut all the red tape and get straight to the point