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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Now your just showing everyone how old you really are.
  2. They are running DCC I can't advise you as to whether there is a difference in performance running DCC or DC as I only run DCC
  3. Seamus you can get the Trainsave decoders anywhere DCC Supplies/Hattons/eBay etc. I think they are a great decoder very smooth slow running at low speed and all for around £11 I have them fitted to my 141/181 and also some of my 201's
  4. They ain't fitted with the old pancake motors the have new motors fitted and are very quiet
  5. It would be nice if they upgraded it alright its a pity its only getting released through the magazine
  6. Yes mate some of the maroon ones I got of your good self the BR Mk2 will be soon getting repainted in to Westcoast Railways livery to run with my new Vitrains class 47. I picked up a load of them when I was in Rails of Sheffield
  7. I have to disagree with you there Fran. Hopefully this will put the issue of the Hornby Railroad to bed once and for all as I can't fault them on power and performance. Have a look at this link http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/359-Hornby-Railroad-range-performance?p=4600#post4600
  8. Recently on one of the threads on the site the Hornby Railroad range came into question. Performance and pulling power were said to be not very good. This I disagreed with so here is a couple of DVD's to let you guys make your own minds up and hopefully put the issue of the railroad range to bed once and for all. The 2 models I used are a class 55 and a class 73 both new out of the box and both fitted with a £11 Train Save decoder. I coupled up a rake of 10 coaches as most people would not be running much more than this in a rake and I felt this was a good load to show you guys. They both pulled extremely well and on the up hill section I slowed the class 55 down just to see if I could get her to spin out and stall but to no avail. I also show you in the videos starting off from a stand still and stopping both were smooth and had no problems.
  9. Irish Model Railway Resprays Making Your Models Look Realistic
  10. I recently got this Vitrains Class 47 in Westcoast Railways livery. I sort of have a wee soft spot for the Westcoast as it gives me the excuse to run some steamers with the class 47 slung on the back of the train also it allows me to run several liveries in my coaching fleet as this is just like the real thing trains where several liveries can be seen. BEFORE AFTER I repainted the roof with Railmatch roof dirt and also I gave the maroon a coat of gloss as the real Westcost 47's have a glossy look to them
  11. Looking forward to seeing the OO model by Hornby of this later this year should be a real eye catching livery
  12. Is that an Ammonia tanker I see in the background Seamus can we all have a closer look please
  13. It should not be to hard to convert these to Irish and just wire them up. They also have working lights. Here is the link http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/product/35759/OOSIGN1_Dapol_GWR_Home_Signal_Motorised
  14. Weshty if the white metal bogies are built right they should run just fine. I have loads of MIR white metal bogies running on my wagon fleet and the run just as good if not better that the Bachmann Y25
  15. Seamus how many wagons were in the rake in your pictures and how many generator wagons and how many non powered
  16. I was thinking that Seamus so its not a factory respray as advertised by John 141 but one of Brens masterpieces.
  17. Mr Sound Guy has done it again it sounds great. Eamonn has Keith (Mr Sound Guy) got them on sale yet
  18. I didn't know that Murphy did a {factory weathered} Mk2 restaurant coach any pictures of it
  19. I have to disagree with you there Fran as any of mine don't have any problems on pulling power on my layout's inclines
  20. Once Bren works his magic on it it will look smashing:tumbsup:
  21. Pure Porn mate. Could you find out for me Stephen how to get the DCC to give you wheel spin when starting off I would love to get my steamers to do that.
  22. Rich I have several of the new Railroad chassis and once you play about with the CV settings on the decoder they are actually very nice smooth runners
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