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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. and don't forget one of you in your action man T-shirt
  2. Any more pictures of the latest work Des
  3. I would say as always its not the decoders fault but the circuit board. 175euro RRP for a loco and its the biggest let down when it comes to this issue I think its high time MM did this circuit board right and posted free replacements out to all its customers. I hope the forthcoming 071 has not got the same issues. If your going to command top money for a loco the least you can do is make sure there are no underlying issues like this and if there is sort out the problem.
  4. I have to agree with you there Rich. Stephen get yourself one of these before you do anything else http://www.nairnshire-modelling-supplies.co.uk/oo-back-to-back-gauge-p-1479.html all my MIR models I have no problem with their running they run as good as RTR
  5. I bet you still wear that T shirt DES
  6. Loving it =))
  7. Hurry up Des I can't wait to get one of these models
  8. I only got to spend a little time working on the layout over the weekend. As most of you guys know I building my layout like the Americans do, double deck one on top of the other with a helix. One of the problems I encountered was when I started to put the upper level in place the lower level became very dark. So a trip to B&Q and some down lighters later here is the result. I also got some skirting board to finish off the leading edge of the upper level and when I get around to it this will be painted black.
  9. Very very nice I went inter railing all over Europe in 88 in something like that
  10. It might be worth checking out that guy that's doing baseboards on the site (I can't for the life of me remember where I seen it) He might be able to build you a board that folds away if that's what your after
  11. Thanks for the kind words lads I really do appreciate it. Weathering is an art I really enjoy doing. Its very easy to take your airbrush and just dust different colours of paint over a model. But I would not call this weathering. Weathering is not about putting paint on a model but it about taking that paint off and toning/fading/bleaching/rusting etc etc over and over again to get the look of the real thing. I spend hours working on just one model to get the desired effect that I want. I do wish I could just give a model a light dusting of paint in a couple of minutes and call that weathering but its not what I call weathering. Some customers may be happy with that but usually my customers demand a high service and its provides me with a great challenge in replicating their models to the real thing. Once again thanks for your kind complements and PM's I've received regarding my work .
  12. Stephen if you don't get it sorted leave them till I'm down with you in a week or two. BTW the MIR wheels are plastic with a steel tyre did you build them yourself or get them built for you
  13. IRISH MODEL RAILWAY RESPRAYS Irish Model Railway Resprays (IMRR) Offer you the customer a complete all in one service. I offer weathering, decoder fitting (21 pin, 8 pin, Hard wiring and sound decoders) detailing and also a kit building service. You can either send me your loco and let me weather it for you or send me a picture(s) of the real loco and I will weather your model exactly as the picture the choice is yours I offer you the customer a 1st class and professional service from start to finish and have many satisfied customers not only on this site and in Ireland but World Wide. In conjunction with Railtec Decals your model will be fitted with latest and most realistic decals another step in offering you the best service. To contact me (Anthony) simply PM me via this site or you can email me at. irishmodelrailwayresprays@gmail.com All pictures of my work on this site are taken with just an iPhone I don't photoshop or doctor my pictures in any way
  14. Murphy Models 181Class recently weathered for this sites owner(Boskonay) http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h282/anthon007/039-1.jpg[/img
  15. Bachmann Tornado lightly weathered
  16. Bachmann Crab Weathered and detailed
  17. IMRR Weathered Murphy Models 201Class
  18. IMRR Weathered Murphy Models 141/181
  19. Thats a horse mate totally different thing altogether=))
  20. @ Fran I have it know Thanks Bud
  21. What do the special transporter trains look like
  22. Thats great mate I will speak with David when I see him next. I have a few clients looking me to build and paint them for them.
  23. I will leave that one for Fran to answer as he used to work in that industry. Now back on topic!
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