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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Eddie Stobart avatar unusual for this site I take it you like your trucks to
  2. Please tell me that when you ask Dave to play with your set up that you are talking about an airbrush and compressor.
  3. Dave here is a good little starter kit always try and get a compressor with an air tank Check out this link Dave:-bd http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AIRBRUSH-COMPRESSOR-KIT-W-2-DUAL-ACTION-AIRBRUSHES-/250973221266?pt=UK_Crafts_DrawingSupplies_EH&hash=item3a6f2b7192#ht_1280wt_1037 Dave my airbrushes are something like those in the link above but my compressor is a sealey 50lts as I am airbrushing all day everyday and I need the bigger air tank. You only have to look at my workbench to see what can be done with these airbrushes when working on model trains.
  4. Tell you what mate put your airbrush up against mine and lets see how good the cheap and nasty is. Or maybe it might be the guy using it I bet you I could do the same level of precision work with my airbrush as you do with yours
  5. Seamus this this what A4 is chasing I won't embed it as the boss might have to slap me. Check out the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=MGL4YRa7KPg
  6. Who were you with back then. la vie clare what a team
  7. That's a good price on that kit I would have his arm off at that price for kit and chassis. Well done Pat
  8. Lads all this talk of expensive airbrushes. An expensive airbrush ain't going to make you a better painter. If you can't do it with a cheap airbrush a dear one is not going to make you better, its not the airbrush its the guy holding it that counts. I have several airbrushes for different things and the most expensive one is £25
  9. 21mm isn't my cup of tea but I just love reading your posts and looking at your photos. Looking forward to your future updates on this thread. As Rich will tell you I'm one of the guys who likes to sit back and watch the trains roll by. Rich you my get your finger out its a long time since we had an up date on your track building from your good self you must have a couple of mile done by now
  10. Actually with today's exchange rate the Belfast Model Shop is cheaper with the autoballasters compared to Marks Models and Graham's Toymaster
  11. Like a daffodil at the end of Spring
  12. What about one in the ESB livery??
  13. Maybe he is just past his sell by date
  14. How is the old place looking I believe it is all shops now
  15. Fran replace the broken bogie and weather it up to look like it has been damaged in service I think it would look great.
  16. Even bigger for the nights you come over to visit
  17. I did live there one time Bro. The old disused station in Clondalkin back in the 70's is where I used to go to watch trains every weekend with my Dad:-bd
  18. Also welcome to the site Snapper
  19. Welcome to the site Jonny:-bd
  20. I will weather it whatever way you want it done mate:-bd
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