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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Yes but there are stupid people out there
  2. To get that close you would need a member of staff with you. I would not advise you or anyone else take it upon themselves to wander onto busy sidings to take photos without a member of staff. The more the staff get to know you at your local station they will usually go out of their way to help you. PM Red Rich to see if he can help you out as he is in the know at Waterford Station
  3. We will leave you on Connelly sidings over night so the graffiti artists will get you
  4. I know what you mean I'm always doing the same. BTW great videos
  5. I think the Mk3 EGV's start with 76, and the Mk3 Restaurants start with 74, I'm open to correction on this.
  6. Hi Guys we have added this section so you can post a heads up if you know of or see any unusual loco/stock or stock movements on the network both North and South. We hope to do this from week to week. For example 8208 hauling the Ballina Liner today and 082 heading to Belfast. So if you are in the know, or just happen to see something post it up in this section and hopefully someone else will maybe get to see it or get a photo somewhere else along the route.
  7. Rich is that a black roof on the second coach in the above picture the reason I ask is the line where it meets the orange is very straight or is this due to the washer brushes
  8. Any more tip offs ring or text me you have my number
  9. What would we do without you Csalem. Great shots there now I can take 8208 out of the box and run her with my container wagons
  10. OK Uri any chance you could look into the future and tell us when 082 is heading back down South
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&NR=1&v=1gClvsQjaQY
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=lQwH9caXfuE
  13. You should have posted that up yesterday as some of us might have got a look this morning
  14. I think you could be right there Rich but just take a look at how quickly the bogies have gathered dirt in the 1st pic
  15. Some great shots there that's the first time I've seen a 201 hooked up to the autoballasters
  16. Thanks for that Rich you have given me some more ideas. Looking forward to seeing if you can dig up some more info on the subject
  17. Some great pictures there Bud and I love the little details like the curtain open on the trailer
  18. Thanks guys I can't wait to get my hands on an MM 071
  19. No problem Garfield it will be wee buns:cool: I will just have to wait till I get myself another 141/181 or a customer wants one like that. Have you any pictures of what you have in mind
  20. If you are into UK trains check this guy out on You Tube (Smile Video) he updates nearly every day with new videos
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