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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. What about all the jobs these shops provide for those communities
  2. Were the Sound decoders not worked on and produced by Mr Sound Guy in the UK and sold through a local outlet here. When it comes to box shifters V local when you guys (or more than likely your Missus;)) do your weekly house shop do you go to the local corner shop and pay their high prices or do you go to the big pallet/box shifters like Dunnes/Tesco etc etc I know what the answer to that will be and its the same when it comes to our hobby. A lot of us would like to support are local hobby shops but we can't because they price themselves out of the market.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5deVMRwrus&feature=g-vrec
  4. Well said mate I'm glad I'm not the only one to see this
  5. Some great photos on your website. Thanks for sharing
  6. I will look forward to the photos Alan:tumbsup:
  7. If someone commissioned them with Hatton's and put the money up yes they probably would as they have commissioned models in the past for the UK market and to be fair if they did commission them you could bet they would be cheaper. I don't understand why you slag of the box shifters the amount of guys on this forum who buy from box shifters and on line shops in the UK is unreal. Its simple in these hard times the box shifters are the only way a lot of people can afford to buy Irish items. As local shops won't step up to the mark and insist on ripping us of. As I said before Graham's is the only local shop that is trying to match these prices the rest of them ain't interested you only have to look at their prices to tell you that. I will put it like this for you there are several clubs and people who it is cheaper for them to save up book a cheap Easy jet/Ryan air flight to Liverpool travel over buy what they want and come back on the same day and it still wouldn't cost as much as their local shop. I have been to both Hatton's and Rails of Sheffield in person and I can tell you the service and expertise they provide is second to none and on the occasions I was there I have meet other modellers from North and South of the border. As I said I won't hear of the like's of Hattons and Rails of Sheffield getting slagged of in my view its just a pity their ain't more like them.
  8. No mate I haven't seen that have you any pictures
  9. I understand what you are saying but I wouldn't have put Seamus Graham down as a box shifter and even he can drop the price. I wouldn't say Seamus takes a small amount of stock or gives it a shelf life. If he can do it why can't the rest of the shops. I would have thought in business a high turn over with a profit would be the way to go other than a lot of shelves full of stock and very little sales due to a high RRP
  10. I've moved this conversation from the Murphy Models 201 thread as it had brought that discussion completely off topic. Garfieldsghost
  11. The tightest point I have is a peco medium. I fitted out a couple more 141's and using Kadee #17 I actually have the buffers working now and no problems. With some stock you might need a longer Kadee something like a #20 but to date I've no problems on my curves. The tightest curve I would have would be a 2nd radius
  12. I know but what a great deal on 141 RPSI at that price you would be tempted to buy 2 and renumber one into 142. You would even be saving on postage
  13. You don't need a huge basement Baby GM you could do what Kirley and myself did and build a shed RedRich is also looking at going down this road. One of the best I've seen is A4 Mallards block built shed and not to forget there is always the attic and garage. Not all American layouts are huge but they do know how to maximise the space that they do have. Where as the Irish and English can't see beyond a single baseboard running around the outside of the room.
  14. Frank your layout looks great I love that cement factory. I can't see your branch line to Ballykay from Cilldargan as I have a branch line heading your way hurry up and get it built
  15. Yes the Americans seem the be streets ahead of every one else but I think that is a European layout in the videos
  16. Fran its only £4.50 to ship to me if you ever want to ship to me I can bring it down to you
  17. Nice layout also [video=youtube;-8GFWXAdkww]
  18. Some great deals all right at Modelfair. RPSI 141 is a really good price MM208 Class 201 GM Co-Co 8208 'River Lagan' £106.70 Murphy Models, Murphy Models Irish Rail, Class 141 Bo-Bo Diesel £75.90 Murphy Models, MM0222 Class 201 General Motors Co-Co Diesel Locomotive, No 222 'River Dargle' £106.70 Murphy Models, MM0229 Class 201 GM Co-Co Diesel Locomotive, No 229 'River Maine' £106.70
  19. Thanks for that Mogul some great shots there I love the one of 072 with the orange door
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