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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Dave is the class 50 the same chassis as the class 55 needed for Weshty kit
  2. You will have no problem fitting a TCS decoder into the 141/181 with or with out a harness. I've just fitted an 8 pin sound decoder/8 to 21 pin converter and a bass reflex speaker for a site member a very tight squeeze and some modifications were needed to the body and chassis but its all in there. All my own 141/181's use a 8 - 21 converters and decoders with harnesses I don't use the Bachmann decoders as they don't support CV 19 so no good for double heading unless you give both locos the same address.
  3. Stephen how did you set the DCC up to give you wheel spin. I love the lights and smoke did you fit them yourself
  4. Don't forget you can always add on as your layout gets bigger with the SB3a Here's a few links for you http://www.dccsupplies.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=24_111&products_id=487 http://www.dccsupplies.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=24_111&products_id=1633
  5. Anybody know what sort of wagon this is?
  6. @ Railway Lyons you couldn't be further from the truth don't knock the Power Cab its one of the best systems out there and is more than adequate for what Wrong side of the track needs. You should have read about the test I did with the Power Cab in the second link below. Before we discuss any more on DCC this topic has been covered HERE http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/270-Converting-to-DCC AND HERE http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/281-Sound-on-the-201-some-questions There is no point in us talking about it for a 3rd time BTW Welcome to the site Wrong side of the track ( I do wish you would have picked a shorter name)
  7. I like the look of them nice find boss
  8. Hi Guys some detailed photos of Tara mines wagons
  9. 073 at Drogheda on Saturday 26/11/2011
  10. Some more pics of 074 in the Navan siding at Drogheda . 24/10/2010
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