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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. roxyguy

    The Church

    Careful now, we're going off topic
  2. roxyguy

    The Church

    That €20 was to cover my sins. An 'indulgence' a believe they use to call it.
  3. roxyguy

    The Church

    Tea in ted's house is a great day out! That's me with the silly hat
  4. roxyguy

    The Church

    Very basic card version of Ted's House. Careful now.
  5. roxyguy

    The Church

    That's great. I did a card version of Ted's house with a mk 1 blue cortina - will try and find the picture. I often thought that Metcalfe should do a version of fawlty towers - surely it would sell well.
  6. That's model is beautiful.
  7. Very nice. Have 2 of those orangey ones.
  8. "irish" shunter anyone? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ROCO-IRISH-DIESEL-SHUNTER-SMOOTH-RUNNER-/371254469500?&_trksid=p2056016.m2516.l5255
  9. I have a number of old railway lamps. Heres one I restored a few years ago. It came of a disused crossing in Mayo. Had to rescue it, I was afraid certain members of the traveling ethnic minority might have it for scrap boss.
  10. That looks incredible.
  11. thank you, thank you
  12. She's been out for a whileen
  13. Thanks for all the great feedback here. I am going to plough ahead with this. Given the chassis and bogie issues, it wind up as more of a decent representation than completely prototypical - but that doesn't bother me too much. As some has pointed out the 'frosted detail' from shapeways is a much better option. The goldeneye loco was produced with that material and has a much smoother finish as a result. If anyone has decent pics, I would be grateful. Thanks.
  14. Thanks for that. The chassis is gonna cause some head scratching, but I'll figure something out.
  15. Great, I'm getting excited. Big ask here - has anyone drawings???
  16. Hi All, Would anyone be interested if I was to make one of these available through shapeways as a 3d printed model??? Have often thought about doing one. Obviously it would be body only. Chassis, glazing and extra detailing would be left to your own devices.
  17. Thanks for that
  18. Thank you. Quite tempted to have a go at a repaint now.
  19. I'm going slightly off topic now, can anyone furnish me with a livery guide for these? did they always run in green? Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere. They would look savage in black aswell I reckon.
  20. WOW. They look impressive. I see the old airfix/mainline ones going cheap on ebay? are they decent runners???
  21. My skill level is very low, I've often thought about have a go a repainting one of these though
  22. This in RTR with some suitable rolling stock would be a nice christmas present.
  23. Video of a trip to Wunderland a couple of years ago. Truly impressive.
  24. That's right. It was underpowered and had suspension issues. In terms of its looks its a bit of a marmite character - love or hate it. I love it. It combines design elements from classic american car design and sci-fi of the time.
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