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Paul 34F

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  1. Looks to be the Class M3, which had 3 sliding doors per side. I cannot recall the number. Paul
  2. Interesting vehicles in the background of this photo, on the right. There is a DNGR Full Brake, a Clerestory, (which may be a composite vehicle), and 6 wheeler complete with Guards Ducket. Looking more closely it could be a W1 Full Brake. Looking to the left, the coach most visible in platform three, has large windows and a high roof line. Paul
  3. The D14 has been updated. Belpaire firebox, new cab and rebuilt footplate. It then becomes a lovely curiosity due to the very old tender. Paul
  4. Hello, Lovely image of Donegal Town, but May I point out, the train is arriving from Ballyshannon. The signal is still ‘Off’ in the background. There are eleven carriages in the train. A lot of work ahead to get over the Barnesmore Gap. Paul
  5. David, I maybe wrong, but I’m sure the livery you’ve applied matches the CDR Lorry Fleet. It certainly looks the part. Paul
  6. Hello Colin, I do have a GA for the large Sir Henry class 0-6-4t. I believe Richard McLachlan scanned a similar drawing for the IRRS collection. I haven’t done anything with this CAD related yet. As David Holman has commented the wheels are nearly touching. Kind regards Paul
  7. Model makers take note, Take a close look at No. 91 at Inchicore. There are cloths draped over the steam supply pipe adjacent to the Safety Valves, perhaps a small leak, which had effected forward vision. Also, note the interesting angle of the front spring. How many of us have stressed about getting theses nicely squared up!!! Paul
  8. Always nice to see a Class 114 DMU. Well done. Paul
  9. Thank you for the details. This confirms the presence of the B5 Dining Car in the train. Paul
  10. Looking at the third picture in the latest post, my eyes fell on the second carriage. It appears to be a GNRI vehicle. Does anyone have details of the carriages in the train? It makes me think it is the B5 Dining Car, but I need to check. Paul
  11. This is the first time I’ve seen a photo of a Goods train at Narrowater Castle. Passenger trains must have been more popular with Photographers? Paul
  12. The rear bench seat of Railcar 20 has been upholstered with a different pattern moquette. Paul
  13. As Galteemore has just mentioned, The GNRI J Class 4-4-0 locomotive drawings are available. I also have drawings for the GNRI outside framed 1700 gallon tender. Paul
  14. David, May I suggest a quicker solution. Take a piece of Springy wire and use it instead of a thick brass pivot arm. The wire could be looped around the screw holding the Keeper Plate in position and the other end pushed through a small hole in the Stretcher of the Bogie. It should help steer the locomotive better through the curves. Paul
  15. David, Don’t bother other than on locomotives. The safety chains were even a pain in the rear in 15mm scale, (when I used to dabble in that scale). Love the look of the open wagon by the way. Paul
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