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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. Another Big Boy arrive - 37990 Running number No.4013 Insider Club 2001.
  2. Sorry to see your Wrenn collector pack up and gone.
  3. Have a look. http://www.futurebelfast.com/belfast-transport-hub.html Enterprise to moving there from Central station.
  4. From marklin forum. On 5 and 6 Februari the Marklin museum has sold a few items at an auction in Goppingen by 'Auktionshaus Hohenstaufen'. The Marklin factory from 1905 reached the highest price ever paid for an Marklin opject: € 442.800, - [scared] With the mountain from 1900 with € 215.250,- on 2nd place. The Nazi JU52 with swastikas - that was recently still owned by the Marklin family - found a new owner for just € 11.685,- LINK TO AUCTION
  5. The 2016 Handbook is poor sale and did not sell well but Hornby is decide to bringing back catalogue next year (2017). This image is A5 2016 catalogue, May be free or about £3.00 I note the R1199 The Platinum Digital train set with TTS Sound (F.scot and Mallard). Nothing on Hornby website, Rails, Hattons site.
  6. Hornby do not look good. Pre-tax losses for the full year, between £5.5m and £6m. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35538800
  7. Entered service today.
  8. 4004 six wheels coach - unused Box date 11/57
  9. 4005 Six wheels coach with cab - Box date 3/59 Unused and wrapped in box (out of box for photo).
  10. 39682 Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) class 1018.101 express locomotive. Rebuilt locomotive constructed between 1950 and 1952 from the former locomotives with road numbers E 18 046 and E 18 206 that were damaged in the war. Supplied in display case for 150 years of Marklin. One time series in 2009.
  11. 39681 Austrian Federal Railways (BBÖ) class E18 42 express locomotive. Later designated as the ÖBB's class 1118.01. The two-color paint scheme was for important long distance passenger service.
  12. 39680 German Federal Railroad (DB) class E 18 in a blue Era III paint scheme. C-Sine high-efficiency propulsion motor date 2006.
  13. Have you check out on irish past and present facebook? Is that new enterprise livery? Is it a hoax?
  14. 2nd Enterprise on first test run to Newry and back today 9001 + 9103 + 9403 + 9214 + 9201 + 9211 + 9208 + 89602 & Loco 228.
  15. Two Limited edition Christmas wagons (for Swiss market).
  16. 48415 Christmasn wagon 2015 and 48615 Annual Club wagon 'Jese Mobel'.
  17. 48817 milk wagons set MHI One time series.
  18. 40661 SBB CFF Tinplate MHI One times series for 30501 Ae6/6.
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