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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. 48667 from MHI 3/2002.
  2. 48671 from the Fall 2007.
  3. 48756 from the MHI 4/2005
  4. Marklin G800 BR44 '44 066' date 1953. Full of Metal!
  5. Erne Model Railway Club Modellers Exhibition. Saturday 19th September 2015. Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen, Co.Fermanagh - Opening Time 10am-5pm Trade stands and exhibits to suit all types of modelling. Adult £4, Senior Citizens and Children £3, Family Ticket £10
  6. See link in German. http://www.nordbayern.de/region/ansbach/traditions-modelleisenbahner-fleischmann-ist-pleite-1.4565354 You need Google translate. This only refers to the 33 staff that were retained at this one facility and to the pension regime of those and other employees already terminated. The functions previously performed by these people will now be assumed by personnel at Modellbahn GmbH directly. Basically, Fleischmann now exists only in name as the Brand for Roco N scale and for select HO products.
  7. Yes every BR03 have fitted with lights.
  8. 4609 Flat wagon with Marklin cover, Box date 1959.
  9. 4608 with wooden load date 1960
  10. BR03 Streamlined Collection. Front to back 3089 3089 3094 3391 3789 37912-1 37912-2 37913 37914
  11. 4614 Flat wagon with Containers. Unused and mint.
  12. 4616 flat wagon with Metal pipe load.
  13. 4630 tanker wagon - Box date 1967. Unused and mint.
  14. 4017 baggage Car - Box date 1958. Unused and mint.
  15. 4016 SBB CFF Restaurant car - Box date 1957. Unused and mint.
  16. 37578 E03 Blue livery for 50 years of Marklin Magazin.
  17. 4037 DB 2nd class express. Unused and mint.
  18. 4626 hopper with cover top.
  19. 4087 DSG TEE Restaurant car.
  20. 4043 1st/2nd class. date 1962
  21. 4613 car Transporter. mint and unused date 1960s
  22. 4050 SNCF Express passenger. unused and mint date 1960s.
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