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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. The show is very good. There is very good price from two traders, One sell old kits/sealpack heljan and Dapol etc from £1 each (half sold at show end). The other trader sell secondhand lots of trains at good price, I bought five pack of trix (marklin) unboxed coaches for £20 from him. Layouts Pictures from show http://ernemrc.weebly.com/2012-exhibition.html
  2. Another show in Fermanagh! Annual Model and Collectors fayre The Bawacre Centre, Irvinestown , County Fermanagh. Friday 5th October 2012 Time 18.00-22.00 Saturday 6th October 2012 Time 10.00-17.00 http://www.farminglife.com/news/irvinestown-the-venue-for-model-and-collectors-fayre-1-4260675 included Model railway layouts attend.
  3. see Wrennerie post detail above. You try ring Raymond, I email him and replay few days later! I think the booked was full but you try ring him to see any room.
  4. It is Bachmann MK2 1970s NIR in dark red and blue livery as I seen some at Dublin fair two weeks ago.
  5. Don't forget Show this Saturday 29th Sept. There is some more layouts attend that last year, Chris Dyer will not be attend but Lads from Dublin will bring small items. Some layout from UMRC, First Banger MRC and NDMRS, etc, Tony '0' gauge will attend again.
  6. Is the catalogue number 29522? The transformer controller was analog and the loco have decoder in it. The loco can use with white controller. Came with three wagons and oval of track with passing loop. I never have any one.
  7. I have three 4851 H0 scale Marklin BELL containers (production between 1995 and 1997).
  8. Hi Dave, Good find Irish set, I check 'Bests' on Hornby International service dealer network date November 1976 list but found nothing. I think the 'Bests' is a Toy shop such as Toysmaster and maybe someone brought from UK?
  9. until
    Erne Model Railway Club Annual Exhibition and Fair will be held on Saturday 29th September 2012. Opening time 10.00am to 5.00pm. at Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen, Co.Fermanagh. Traders attend.
  10. You mean Electric TEE Class 103?, Yes I have six locos.
  11. Very nice Black streamlined.
  12. Please note it is Summer sale from Modelfair.
  13. Erne Model Railway Club Annual Exhibition and Fair will be held on Saturday 29th September 2012. Opening time 10.00am to 5.00pm. at Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen, Co.Fermanagh. Traders attend.
  14. Class 201 £106 from Modelfair http://www.modelfair.com/brands/41/547/murphy
  15. APT-P build total of 44 cars included 6 power units was built to make three APT-P up to 14 cars. The APT-P 37 of 44 was scrapped in 1986/87. Seven Cars included power units was save from scrapped (6 cars see at crewe today, the other one power unit now at NRM Shildon) Links Pictures of scrap APT
  16. I would like to share you the pictures of Marklin collection.
  17. Very nice black livery.
  18. I have join new forum, It is great to be here.
  19. Nice collection of stuff, Dave.
  20. It will be China made titanic 2.
  21. Good find, dave. The E191 3329 was production between 1986 and 1994.
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