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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. Only 39579 have operating both pantrographs but not sound. See on you tube (video not mine).
  2. Very Busy Buying, Anthony!
  3. Murphy Models NIR livery and Hand build Enterprise Rolling stock from Model Shop Belfast. Other layout/Traders.
  4. Video from Murphy Model NIR livery on display at Bangor Exhibition.
  5. The pictures was from Model Shop Belfast facebook at from Bangor exhibition set up.
  6. Trafficwatch website. Resurfacing A2 Bangor to Belfast Road Resurfacing will take on the A2 Bangor to Belfast dual carriageway, between the Rathgael Road and Ballysallagh Road from 7pm Friday 19 April to 6am Monday 22 April 2013. The A2 will be reduced to one lane in each direction, with traffic running in a contra-flow arrangement between the Rathgael Road and Ballysallagh Road. Access to and from the following side roads will either be restricted or unavailable as indicated below: • A2 / Rathgael Road Junction – junction closed to all traffic movements • A2 / Ballysallagh Road Junction – junction closed to all traffic movements • A2 / Old Belfast Road Junction – junction closed except for left turn from the A2 • A2 / Cootehall Road Junction – junction closed except for left turn from the A2 • Walmer Grove – Full access will be maintained from Old Belfast Road Some roads will be closed at night. Diversions will be in place, motorists should expect delays and allow additional time for their journey. These works are subject to favourable weather conditions. The original programme was to complete these resurfacing works over three consecutive weekends, with the works ending on 25 March. However, heavy snow falls prior to the final weekend meant that it was necessary to reschedule resurfacing of the Belfast-bound carriageway.
  7. Excellent pictures, Thanks for sharing.
  8. Hornby is bringing Airfix production back to the UK for the first time in 20 Years. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/money/4865293/Airfix-kits-are-to-be-made-in-UK-for-first-time-in-20-years.html Hornby model railways production could moved back to UK. The company separately yesterday announced chief exec Frank Martin was stepping down after 12 years in charge.
  9. Sure No problem. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ll=54.653307,-5.664289&spn=0.001182,0.004823&t=m&z=18&layer=c&cbll=54.653307,-5.665316&panoid=p23lbCWT_6N0CTKr9e_C4w&cbp=11,135.62,,0,3.23 Google streetimage taken in August 2012.
  10. List above plus three more to attend. Meccano - Corlust Meccano Club T track - T track group members Murphy Models - Paddy Murphy
  11. Email send.
  12. I watch but only about five minutes of railways in half hour.
  13. The BBC have confirmed transmission dates for a new series - The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track King's Cross - BBC2 9pm Tues 12th Feb 2013 Summer Madness (Leeds) - BBC2 9pm Tues 19th Feb 2013 Standing Room Only (Reading) - BBC2 9pm Tues 26th Feb 2013 West Coast Main Line - BBC2 9pm Tues 5th March 2013 Railway on My Doorstep (Communities) - BBC2 9pm Tues 12th March 2013 Scotland - BBC2 9pm Tues 19th March 2013
  14. List of layout/traders attend. N Gauge John Byrne - Dublin - layout name to be advised Paul Deere - Kildare - Wellingtonbheag Brian King - Ulster MRC tba Jon Perrott - Bangor - Oakhill William Thompson - Ulster MRC- Tannof First Bangor - N Track - incorporating- Sykesville, Charlies Ridge,Quayside Halt MRSI - Dublin - Tirolia Stephen McNally - Dublin - Tywold OO Gauge George Thompson - NDMRS - Ballyclare Erne MRC - tba - steam/ early diesel layout South Dublin MRC - Lucan South Ulster MRC - Belfast - Moorhead Sidings Mill Road - NDMRS HO gauge Peter McVicar - Bangor - Broadway Industrial Park 009 gauge Michael Delaney -MRSI - Dun Ui Rian Narrow gauge Alan Gee - Yorkshire - Schull O Gauge Tony Ragg - Bangor - Stanfordingly Des Brown - Holywood - North American - various scales Other Modelling interests Stephen Armstrong - Tank Diaoramas P Aspinwall -display of kit/scratch O gauge locos and stock Model Agricultural Display - G Cooper - Clought Belfast & Co Down Railway Museum Trust Belfast & Co Down Minature Railway Socy Belfast Model Flying Club Matchstick Models - Peter Harris Headhunters Railway Museum IPMS (UK) NI Branch - model aircraft Merg Model Engineers Socy NI Kingdom Trucks - Andy McAslan Pickie Model Boat Group Travel Posters- Richard Price-Stephens NI Slot Raceway/Scalextric Demonstrations Raymond Wilson - Enniskillen - Loco kit building Richard Chapman - Leicestershire - coach/ loco building Eric Robinson - Blackburn - loco building Trade All Components Ltd Party Picks - face painting DE Videos & DC Kits All scale Models - scenic materials, diaoramas Chris Dyer Toys & Trains Model Cars - Roy Henderson Icarus Models - radio control/plastic kits/ plane spares Irish Steam Preservation Socy Ltd Andrew Knell - rally car/ trucks Marks Models - Dublin Model Rail Baseboards Model Shop - Belfast Modellers Corner - Enniskillen Modellers Nook/The Dungeon - Joe Barlow Card Kits - Michael Morris Provincial Wagons - Leslie McAllister Trainman - American & Continental stock & Ass -Brendan Curran TT Models NI - Newtownards Sales Table - used and second hand models - North Down Club
  15. North Down MRS Exhibition will be held at Bangor Aurora Leisure Centre , Valentine Road, Bangor. Saturday 20th April 2013 (10.00 to 17.00) Sunday 21st April 2013 (13.00 to 17.00). The show will this year be held in the new Aurora Leisure Centre, Bangor. The new centre is located up the hill past the old Leisure Centre, left on to Castle Park Road for 200m and then right into Valentine Road. The new centre is visible at the end of this road. There should be adequate parking for all.
  16. It take three-four days after paid on ebay items, but It take longer if weight more that 2kgs.
  17. Have a look here http://railwayherald.com/uknews/class-68-livery-revealed
  18. Happy new year to all Irish members!
  19. Very sorry for your loss, Anthony.
  20. Series 666 - similer to irish class 071. http://www.railfaneurope.net/pix/rs/diesel/666/pix.html
  21. Model railway Insurance have changed the underwriters of our Model Railway policy during this year and our new underwriters Ansvar are able to offer cover for Northern Ireland. http://www.modelrailwayinsurance.co.uk/ Please note that not available to Rep of Ireland.
  22. Thanks for the list, dave. Any A & H models (fleischmann/Roco)?
  23. Follow the link. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=2012-10-27&e=6&c=1 Any layouts/trader list on MRSI website? It is over 2 weeks away.
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