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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. Exhibition 2013 Gallery on Club Website. http://ernemrc.weebly.com/exhibition-2013-gallery.html Some more photos soon.
  2. Modelfair clearance Murphy Models Class 071 and 201. Between £112 and £118 each. http://www.modelfair.com/sector/114/clearance?ItemsPerPage=48&SortOrder=0&Brands=547&sg=0&min=&max=
  3. Travel to show, See Map on club website. http://ernemrc.weebly.com/club-annual-exhibition.html
  4. I remember there is five all maroon parcel van at Antrim sliding on left side from station date 1983/84. I came back in 1990 and there is none there, think it is scrapped and break up.
  5. UMRC annual show at Carrickfergus Civic Centre 24th & 25th August 2013. Open 10am to 6pm on Saturday and 1pm to 5pm on Sunday Layouts an traders list http://www.ulstermodelrailwayclub.co.uk/show.php
  6. It is Remote-controlled uncoupling using digital function. Some other Marklin locos such as shunters do have too.
  7. Very nice, the 3367 is production in 1994 only. The loco was analog.
  8. Erne Model Railway Club Annual Exhibition and Fair will be held on Saturday 28th September 2013. Opening time 10.00am to 5.00pm. at Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen, Co.Fermanagh. Lots of Traders attend.
  9. High price because it is brand new and unused. Same seller also list four Lima Irish Orange livery http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&item=200942237075&pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&_osacat=0&hash=item2ec9173593&_ssn=lacorbiere&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313&_nkw=lima+irish&_sacat=0&_from=R40
  10. hi Dave, You was right, the box is for R758 Hymek in BR Green (production 1966-67) or BR blue Running number D7063 (1968-76). The box show on ebay date between 1966 and 1972.
  11. No buyer found for Modelzone, The 47 stores (included ex-beatties) could be closed and everything stock must go at up to half price.
  12. I think there is another in the North.
  13. Did you buy anything, Dave?
  14. It is MFX chip for 3-rails operating. Trix version catalogue number 22957 DCC sound 2-rail, Due Q3/2013. RRP 549.99.
  15. Just to let you know the Green and black crocodile was both sold out of Marklin. Still some on ebay but selling well quick.
  16. I think dozens of NIR livery arrive at Enniskillen Modellers Corner today.
  17. I already have it but in digital version mint for £49 few years ago.
  18. 3300 is a 3-rail analog version. No Hamo version.
  19. It is a nice set, The 3300 was production in 1985 only (The top right of lid show '125 Years of Marklin' in 1984). I can't see the locos have three rails, I think ex-onwer change it to 2-rails.
  20. I was not attend, Any photos?
  21. BR44 casting loco body.
  22. Have you check out? http://boylemensshed.blogspot.co.uk/ Full report in Roscommon herald newspaper date 30 April 2013 page 33.
  23. 39223 E94 C-shine motor.
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