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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. Saw Railroad Cock 'O' the north at Modellers corner in Enniskillen, Also lots of Hornby included Schools and B.Belle 1960.
  2. BR01.10 Collection. Front to back all digital. 3610 BR012 3690 BR011 3790 BR011 39103 BR01.10 39104 BR01.10 37104 BR01.10
  3. Unused/boxed 3005 BR23 with manual date 1958 and Box date 1959.
  4. I think Chris dyer still have some?
  5. until
    Erne Model Railway Club Annual Exhibition and Fair will be held on Saturday 20th September 2014. Opening time 10.00am to 5.00pm. at Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen, Co.Fermanagh. Lots of Traders attend. http://ernemrc.weebly.com/exhibition-2014.html
  6. Erne Model Railway Club Annual Exhibition and Fair will be held on Saturday 20th September 2014. Opening time 10.00am to 5.00pm. at Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen, Co.Fermanagh. Lots of Traders attend. http://ernemrc.weebly.com/exhibition-2014.html
  7. Did not see any Enterprise logo/letting on it?
  8. Have you try this? http://www.ulstermodelrailwayclub.co.uk/contact.php
  9. List of traders attend http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/other/events_detail.php?eid=9436 UMRC will bring Lisburn layout to show for first time. PS I will not be attend.
  10. Six TEE coaches 1970s tinplate mint and unused as new.
  11. Rolling stock arrive in the past few months.
  12. Arrive three weeks ago - Mint and unused 26610 "Henschel-Wegmann" Train Pack (BR61 DRG) digital sound Limited edition Insider Club 2004. Paid bargain £200.
  13. 46199 and 47321 wagon packs for E93 insider 37870.
  14. Marklin 2014 Insider 37870 E93 new model just arrive last June.
  15. Chris Dyer Dublin toys fair at same date!
  16. 224 with 6 Mk3s working an 1100 North Wall / Dundalk transfer today.
  17. 2 June - MK3s Cut in half and all gone. http://chrisplayfair.smugmug.com/Travel/2014-Photos/Ireland-June-2014/41272607_KkrMG5#!i=3285884125&k=tvBnXPp
  18. 1 June - 228 + Mk3 Transfer from Dundalk to Adelaide Yard for scrapping. http://chrisplayfair.smugmug.com/Travel/2014-Photos/Ireland-June-2014/41272607_KkrMG5#!i=3285882028&k=dWt6Jrk
  19. Lots of pictures from Club facebook
  20. Any news on 230?
  21. See here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-26970204
  22. Spoiling wagon at Ballymena 1990s. Note some different. https://www.flickr.com/search?text=northern%20ireland%20spoil%20wagon&sort=relevance
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