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Colin R

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About Colin R

  • Birthday 09/09/1958

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  • Location
    Bexleyheath Kent


  • Biography
    Well I have been a enthiastic railwayman most of my life, I have been a member of various Heritage railway groups in both Britian and Ireland, currently working for Serco in Dartford Kent, hopefully only a couple of years left before I can retire.

    I would like to move somewhere with a lot of space and a rich sponsor so i can built my dream model railway and be part of a heritage railway project as well.


  • Interests
    Model and Heritage Railways


  • Occupation
    Maintenance Electrician

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  1. Colin R

    Irm wagons

    Hi Boskey I need to try again on Monday as I can't get into the Accurascale site with my IRM email address and password so I might have to set up a new account
  2. Hi, Guys did anything come of these cattle wagon kits?
  3. Colin R

    Irm wagons

    give him a few weeks to work out what is what and he will be ok in his new home, just keep him in if you can for a week or so, so that he gets his scent all over the place so his knows where home is Sorry running a bit late with this one but now that I've got my Vans, I was wondering did they do a cattle wagon in the same series? Colin
  4. He would only be interested if there were a golf course nearby
  5. Here you go just found this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375780050594?_skw=knightwing+oo+model+railways&itmmeta=01JK537SJZQRM79XXPVXFY3VPF&hash=item577e3c86a2:g:LHkAAOSwJB1nMOrP&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmS7Z%2FYMexNxivItR0zxwxf5fAUaEeNg17%2BAjNiBcifCBt4I0IeM5QQgxBHJ9jdbnj7THwag374O1aU26j04JGhHnrniWeBT32C1tAABsM3SRMBix3Zz7oVOElmLDMVU4DmHRa%2F8tms187HE8kEyDGGEIRVrRHhYGa4KlAQ6z3Qdd6TPTYuKZTKG4DrILj6fDBa9S2F%2BrlRUdL51ZrnhltXW4lLH2uhbNFl%2B8hACmHgdFkxDxTY%2Fog97hlUU%2Fu9BO5x7wrEbgShZWPX60E4rqOC|tkp%3ABk9SR-qZn6OZZQ
  6. Thanks, Mark The chassis part will be no problem, I spoke to Neville about this and he tells me he is working on a new power bogie for these kits, that said I also need to look at those cheap chassis from falling as well. The chassis floor for the coach section is also no problem as this can be made from either Brass or Plastikard depending on your personal choice, the coach bogies are the same as those produced by Worsley Works, wheelsets when they become available again from Branchlines or Markets many of the other bits from the scrap bin the cab light I think I have seen these available somewhere else with a white/yellow LED. At the moment I am not sure just how far to go with the electrical bits
  7. Hi, Mark, that is why I didn't bid any more than £50.00 for it, I will now look at those from Pheonix and if so I may buy four of them, I do have a couple of Worsley Works CDR railcar which ain't right in my view, but I have found them to be closer to the West Clare version that the Donegal versions. The big issue for the Worsely works is that being brass it is hard to get the right curves in the right place
  8. Hi Mark, thanks, but that sadly is the wrong one I am after. Thanks again. It now appears that Hornby makes a 0-6-0 version, but from what I have read, it is not popular, so I will wait until someone is selling one cheap. As for the CDR Railcar kit, someone else bought it for about 70 pounds. I did however manage to purchase two old Gem Varikit locos both the A and the B types for the loco collection, so it is not a total lost.
  9. Yes please, I recently saw a photo of one of these that someone had converted over to a 5.5mm scale narrow gauge loco, shades of a modern-day Ffestiniog Railway diesel, I think it might do for an 00n3 loco of the 1960s
  10. Yes, I am after the railcar kit. As for his West Clare layout, there is not much left of it at present, I have been able to save most of the buildings and a lot of the fittings. Many of them were Knightwing kits, which I am gathering replacements to extend the collection as and when I see them on eBay. Robin was not happy about that layout and in some ways, I was lucky to go there on the day when he was just about to take it down to the local tip. Besides a small collection of his IOMR locos and a collection of various spares (which I am still working through), I have about fourteen IOMR locos from different sources. The plan is to build a layout based on the Manx Northern line to Ramsey, but at the same time I hope to be able to introduce an element of West Clare as well, at present I am looking to see if I can find a suitable good shed in stone. One loco kit I am looking for is the second Nightwing Rolls Royce Sentinal industrial loco, I haven't seen one in ages, but as Knighwing are no more, again it is waiting to see if one pops up on eBay.
  11. I was wondering when this one would appear as I need it. I do have something which I can replace the chassis with for use on OOn3
  12. I don't want to wish the worst on anyone, but I feel that for these coaches the bottom has fallen out of the market at present, if you can afford to wait then leave it six months or so and look again, I bet we will get a more realist market price then. Colin
  13. If they have that many left in stock it begs the question of how many people ordered them in the first place but decided to cancel their orders after Hattons closed.
  14. Well that counts me out then
  15. Hi Chris do you happen to have a direct link to the University's Website for these documents? Thanks Colin Rainsbury
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