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Colin R

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About Colin R

  • Birthday 09/09/1958

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  • Location
    Bexleyheath Kent


  • Biography
    Well I have been a enthiastic railwayman most of my life, I have been a member of various Heritage railway groups in both Britian and Ireland, currently working for Serco in Dartford Kent, hopefully only a couple of years left before I can retire.

    I would like to move somewhere with a lot of space and a rich sponsor so i can built my dream model railway and be part of a heritage railway project as well.


  • Interests
    Model and Heritage Railways


  • Occupation
    Maintenance Electrician

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  1. Hi Leslie. Yes, please, I would love a Conflat and a Milligen if that is possible. As for an EDSS, I need to look at what would be going in and out of Downpatrick. I know that Downpatrick had been shut by the timeline I am modelling, but as I am using rule 1, then it does not matter. I have also noticed that I will also need to model a gas works siding (which is not on the real site), and I will also need to try and fit a grain store line or a small works section. Oh the joys of freelance modelling.
  2. Hi Leslie Can you please add me to your list for one of each of the above? Regards Colin Rainsbury
  3. Well, that is the sort of thing I was wondering about.
  4. I do have in the collection box two white metal Woolwich kits that I bought at the time to convert over to Irish 5ft 3 inch. Cutting them down the middle and then adding the 2mm to the finished width might be possible. The only thing is I still need is more information before I do that.
  5. Also, it might be worth looking here for books and their costs:- https://www.titfield.co.uk/index.htm https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=model+railway+modelling+books&_sacat=0&_from=R40&rt=nc&Genre=Art%20%26%20Culture&_dcat=261186 The second link is to second-hand books on eBay, so do have a look at some of them before you buy. Amazon does have a reasonable book section but don't expect to find AJ Hartley's book on fly fishing there. (You might need to be of a certain age to get this.) Also, be aware that Amazon runs several other web-based bookshops, so it is worth looking there as well. Now due to my own experience do you want books with loads of words or pretty pictures, the reason I say this is many older books tend to in my experience tell you how to do this and that and take a cat apart and put it back together with no harm and by the time you get to the end of the book, you have forgotten what it was all about or just more confused than you might have been before. Current books tend to be more of this is how I have done it and let's look at the results in the following pictures. The third bit of advice buy only the tools you need now and buy the best you can afford, make sure you keep them in a toolbox when you are not using them. Besides getting into modelling for the fun of it you can and will learn so many new skills, many of which are very basic engineering skills which sadly are not always taught at school or colleges this day and age. If you want to learn why and how you do something I can't recommend highly enough the following series of engineering books for you life long library. https://www.teepublishing.co.uk/books/workshop-practice-series/ Good luck on your journey of railway modelling just remember you learn something new every day during your life Regards Colin Rainsbury .
  6. Just as an aside, the nice man at Worsley (Allen) used to sell or give away packets of scrap brass and nickel silver to practice on at exhibitions. Nothing too big, but a lot of free strips of old sheet. As a side note, though, Des might have a load of old scrap brass you could ask him for.
  7. One thing which comes to mind, and that is practice soldering before you start on a kit, the more you do the better you become and a lot fewer burnt fingers to boot, and the different types of soldering will be helpful, ie Brass sheet is harder that say covering a wire in solder and so on Here are a couple of useful sites to look at:- https://www.instructables.com/How-to-solder/ https://www.clfinescale.co.uk/copy-of-c-l-product-diagrams https://www.clfinescale.co.uk/solderingtechniques hope this helps Colin R
  8. If you want a kit of an Irish Pullman, try the following http://www.worsleyworks.co.uk/4mm/4mm_Irish_Standard_Gauge.htm
  9. I think I can just about do that in Grey, would be good to have a couple of John's GSR grain vans as well.
  10. OK, Thanks, I hope John will try for another batch of his red grain wagons No sadly not at present
  11. Sadly for some reason I can't access Flickr
  12. Thanks, guys. So, one last question: What would have been the typical length of a grain train with 6,9 or more wagons in it?
  13. I would like to see a second batch of Grain wagons with the snail in grey and with different numbers, if not then I will have to buy a second box and change the numbers myself Does anyone know if the Grain wagons had the red oxide livery with the snail motif on them at the same time?
  14. I see two issues here? 1 Just how many does Des need to order 2 How many different types are there
  15. Admittedly, there is now a lot of Irish narrow gauge in kit form from Worsley, that said, however, this is one of those chicken and egg situations, I know 00n3 modellers who have splashed out on a new Hornby TT120 scale 08 chassis the biggest draw back to the size/scale is the lack of a commercial locomotive chassis. There are two items of narrow gauge which I think would work for most people, they are 1. the West Clare bogie Diesel or 2. the West Clare/Donegal Railcar, there is of course one outstanding NG loco and wagon set that you could put on a modern day layout and that would be a Wagonmaster and a train of Peat wagons, it could even be done as a complete roundy roundy layout with a loco and say 3 peat wagons. Then later on you could introduce a railcar. Would that work? I don't know, but I would have one if it was made.
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