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exciecoachbuilder last won the day on November 1 2024

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  1. By the way Josh, I could go on if you want? A lot more to see..
  2. Oh, and seems that you mentioned the central stores, here are a few clues from it's former past. Should be easy for you Josh, to work out what sort of a workshop it was? Give it a go anyway josh. Don't forget and send me in a pic of your ticket machine. Pity you weren't around when they were demolishing the oul railway shed. Hard luck man..
  3. How insulting, thanks for that Josh.
  4. I never liked the later CIE broken wheel. Just leave it as it was, end of.
  5. Speaking of things getting f**ked into skips, years ago there were two buildings in Inchicore works where they stored disused railway stuff. I heard that one of the buildings ( a big shed beside the foundry) was being demolished, and everything was getting thrown out, in fact the contractor ( hammond lane) had started clearing the shed out. A mate and I took a ramble down to have a look, and what a treasure trove we found. I got old carriage plates , an old guards lamp, flying snail buttons and other bits and pieces. My mate found old signal cabin staff poles? with names of disused stations on them and a semaphore spectacle part. I shudder to think what was eventually thrown out in the end? A few years later the other building, which stored files , photos drawings etc, was being cleared out. This time it was C.I.E staff clearing it out, and I knew the lads, so I got some interesting stuff from there. One very interesting item I pulled out of the skip was a GSWR board minutes 1902 to 1904, really interesting, Robert Coey's signature on some of the pages and a guy who's surname was Ormsby? little notes pinned to some of the pages, the whole shebang. People have no idea what was thrown out, it's almost criminal. Then again not everyone, both managers and staff were interested in railways, it was just a job. Of all the people who I got to know over the years there was only one or two who had a strong interest in Irish railways past and present. Although, let me rephrase that. I have absolutely no interest in the present Irish railway system. The nail in the coffin for me was back in the mid 2000's.. Paul.
  6. Top class info as usual. Now we have the three amigos, you, Jonathan and Mayner. Cheers. Paul
  7. Have to agree, it really is wonderful to observe. Also, like you I never had an interest in E class shunters, but now I want one. It looks so good that it's almost a shame to paint it.
  8. Park Royal driving trailer? That's a new one for me.
  9. Don't forget that the those laminate coaches were rebuilt in the late 1970's. I have posted this info before, but the only original part of these coaches after the 'rebuilds', was the roof and ends of the coaches. So, you would have a choice of different sides, 1950's or late 70's.
  10. That's interesting Jonathan, thanks for that info.
  11. That's true, I have a mix of beets and flying snail ones. I have ordered another snail pack, I think that the all over grey colour looks really good on these excellent models.
  12. Well done to all, and that's not handy work either. A lot of lifting, pulling and dragging. Paul..
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