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Everything posted by FrankS

  1. Hi GUys, Re: Dapol signal. Just in case anyone is put off/shocked/appalled at the noise of the signal mechanism - don't worry installed on the layout you can hardly hear it Great work, Wiggy
  2. Hi Guys, Have just received a notice from Hatton's that they have been advised delivery of NIR # 071/111 loco on 1st November and IE 071 in Black & Silver on 1st December both at £125. However, they also say " Whilst we are hopeful this information is accurate, manufacturer lead times are frequently prone to be delayed. This information is to be used as a guide only."
  3. G'day Gentlemen, This weeks question concerns the regulations appertaining to the use of Barrier Wagons for oil Traffic on liner trains.I'm thinking 70's or 80's here. I know the rules concerning a barrier wagon at each end on unfitted oil trains. But I wonder what was the situation regarding barrier wagons on vacuum fitted dedicated oil trains such as the Essoliner train or when the oil tabkers formed part of a liner train, such as the Sligo Liner Train ??? Did the oil tank wagons still require a barrier wagon at each end, OR only between the loco and the tank wagons, OR none at all ??? As always any helpful answers much appreciated=D
  4. Lovely weathering there. Popeye
  5. Thanx, again guys ~ you are a fantastic source of information to the tyro Irish Modeller. VERY much appreciated. BTW - If the last photo IS of a car based on a scale test car, Walthers in the US did a HO model a few years ago. Don't know If it's still current or not.
  6. G'day Guys, Can one of you please tell me the function of the Sperry Wagon and tell me why it often runs with two of the tank wagons off the Weedkiller Train As always, any help much appreciated, and the names will be changed to protect the innocent. Cheers FS, in a warming-up Tasmania
  7. Sounds like a great time was had by all. Was the "An idyllic single line country scene running different stock from the 50's/60's period." Ballyheady? or is that a different one. I'd like to save the photos, but I'll never find them again without a name I can remember Even then I'll probably lose them
  8. I was in Leinster Models in summer of 1968. I bought a s/h assembled K's whitemetal brakevan in grey with CIE Flying Snail. They produced a range of O scale British outline locos, Black 5 and suchlike, and advertised in the Railway Modeller. A tiny little shop with very little for sale, being run by a fairly elderly lady.
  9. Thanx jhb and others. Great info. Best thing I ever did, joining this group
  10. Hi Guys, Once more I have returned to place a question before the oracle This time, the question is Horseboxes. I presume that CIE Horseboxes would have been listed as passenger stock and been in Dark CIE Green with eau-de-nil flying snails, BUT, I wonder did any last long enough to be painted in CIE Orange/Black (or indeed any other, later ) livery ???
  11. Hi Guys, Thanx for the info, makes things a lot clearer, now. There aren't any CIE Mk IIds for me to find Also, the "official" reply I received from MM: Sorry for confusion. CIE Mkiid coaches are not yet available. Web needs updating. Late next year is probably the earliest they can be made, it all depends on slots in the production schedule. When I saw MM WEbsite said that there were : Good Stock available of Mark IId Coaches in CIE, IR, IE & Galway liveries. and yet I couldn't find a listing or photo anywhere ~ I thought senile dementia was setting in. Mind you senile dementia coupled with a second childhood proceeding into 2nd puberty could have been great fun Do everything I wanted - and claim I couldn't remember ANY OF IT - BLISS
  12. Hi guys, I only just realised that the Mk IId coaches come into my modelling time period (CIE) and I've tried to work out which of the Murphy Models coaches already available and new releases are appropriate. But, frankly I can't make head nor tail of them :confused: Murphy Models website is completly useless, saying only: Mark IId Coaches in CIE, IR, IE & Galway liveries. Good Stock available Irish Rail Mark IId Coaches (2011 model) in CIE, IR & IE liveries. Due Autumn 2012 Irish Rail Mark IId EGV Due Autumn 2012 But, not listing or illustrating which are which. The IRM database lists only IE coaches and Hattons lists numbers (without illustrations) which I can't find anywhere else ie 5601,5411,5232,5217 & 5229) HELP Can one of you knowlegable people out the please tell me Just which numbers of the MM IIds ALREADY released are suitable for CIE and which of those TO BE released are suitable for CIE, please. ALSO, The "Galway Livery" can you tell me just what this is, please and what time period it covers. Any and all HELP much appreciated, Cheers, FrankS, busy tearing his hair out while standing on his head - NOT an easy trick :ROFL:
  13. FrankS

    Getting Things Moving

    Lovely Stuff, John First and foremost, I'm a Narrow Gauge man, and love this. More pictures, please:tumbsup: FrankS, from the big offshore Island.
  14. Hi Guys, Hattons do the Hornby (ex-Dapol ex-Wrenn) wagon as part of a split train set with a horrible open, a not bad van and a 4whl coach for £19. See: http://www.ehattons.com/31878/Hornby_Model_Railways_R1127Wagons_Wagons_lowmac_with_container_7_pank_wagon_Beswick_4_wheel_coach_ventilated_van/StockDetail.aspx Cheers,
  15. Motive Power Developments on the Cilldargan Section, C.I.E. This has been a busy week at Cilldargan, no less than three new items of Motive Power have been delivered. Fortunately, roving reporter Shamus O'Neill was on hand to take some photographs of them in action : All three are pseudo-Irish rather than 100% irish, which will disapoint the purists among us, but they run well, weren't expensive, look the part and fit in well with my Freelance/Prototype style of modelling, so I'm more than happy with them. They are a Bachmann Iarnrod Eireann 2-car DMU set, a Bachmann Powered Ballast Tamper and Cilldargan's own Shunter a D Class 0-6-0. I have plans for a Silver Fox original 2600-class DMU set, but that's away down the list, and in the meantime the Bachmann DMU will carry the commuters to Cork and Waterford in comfort. Like it very much. Wouldn't be at all surprised If a second 2-car set gets delivered later in the year. Shamus caught a couple of photos of the new DMU-set at Castlecromerby on a trial run ~ D.303 and the Ballast Tamper # 97 were quickly put to work ~ and, to round the day off, he saw preserved Woolich Mogul # 385 stormed across The Blackwater Bridge on a RPSI Steam Special to Waterford closely foillowed by a Liner Train ~ Cheers, Patrick F. Savery, District Manager, Cilldargan Section, C.I.E.
  16. Hi Guys, I'm pretty sure it was Anthony who was rather taken with the Hi-Rail truck in the video of a layout in the American modelling section. Well, you are going to love this Just announced at the NMRA Toy Fair in the US,-. A DCC equipped RTR Hi-Rail Equipment Truck with crane, due out in November : Sorry about the picture quality, but it's a scan of a scan. BTW - Don't have a heart attack when you look at the price - NOBODY but NOBODY pays RRP in the States. If you go to the right place you'll get it for about half of that. Cheers, FrankS. Diustrict Manager, Cilldargan Section, CIE
  17. Thanx, Glenderg, but I'm afraid Parnell Street, is a bit out of my way, and a bit of a walk from my nearest station ~ about 12, 563 miles Cheers, FrankS
  18. Hi Enniscorthyman, Do you happen to know If it is possible to buy actual back numbers of the IRRS Journal. Any idea of an e-mail address ? I can't find anything on their website. Thanx, FrankS.
  19. With the loco facilities at the Junction (Cilldargan) only running to 12" of track, 2 tanks and a pumphouse, it really is a case of the tail wagging the dog Magnificent Beast, Anthony and Glenderg. All The Way With BALLYKAY
  20. A 20' Container flat AND an Orange CIE Container ~ now that's something on almost everybody's Wish List, I would think Yes. please, Leslie Any chance of your thoughts turning to the CIE 10' Uniload Container ??? Something not commercially available. Re: the Beer Tub Wagon, I'd vote for the longer chassis, provided the extension doesn't weaken the chassis.
  21. "You wouldn't dare weather a beautiful loco like these." But, we all know 'someone' who would He Who Dares Wins
  22. Too big for me ! I'd forget what was parked inside
  23. Fantastic
  24. Hi Grange Castle, Is the GARDA Volvo one you've 'kitbashed' ? I've got the GARDA Land Rover, but I haven't seen a Volvo before. Cheers, FrankS
  25. Ah ! They must be the little green men Oi've heard about, and there was me thinking they were called Leprechauns
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