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Posts posted by popeye

  1. So, I was wondering if the fert wagons are able to be loaded, how do you get the loads in and out?

    And what about the middle bay with the two beams across the middle bay? 

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  2. 12 hours ago, jhb171achill said:

    A good accessory for a model J15 is a crew: driver and fireman in overalls, plus a tall figure with a black beret and long brown overcoat - Bob Clements hitching a lift as he often did!

    Once I get the present layout up and running, various well known characters will appear about the place in the form of little figures..... 

    I have been looking around for figures. Some are better than others with regards to the fine detail and painting.

    Here is a pic of the Bachmann set. 36-047.


    Crew 1..jpg

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