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MM 071 Cab Removal

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56 minutes ago, irishthump said:


What's the process for getting the cab off of the 071 model? I've got as far as removing the main body but the cab seems reluctant to come off! Don't want to force it and snap anything. Is there a tab that needs to be freed first?

Hi thump,

There's always a little resistance on the 071 cab when removing it first time. I have opened up 3 or 4 of mine recently to fit drivers or swap body shells.

If you gently tilt the cab back and forth it will eventually loosen itself, but be very careful not to push it too far forward or you risk causing damage to the base of the cab. 

Edited by JasonB
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I'm about to remove the cabs from my first 071 to respray it. Before I break something, is there any further details beyond wiggling it that might be of help? The cab does come apart from the sole plate I take it? Is it glued in or just clipped or what? Appreciate any pointers folks.

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Ok I got impatient. In answer to my own question...

There is a trick to releasing the cab. The tendency is to tilt the cab forward as initially this appears to be the only way to get any movement going. In fact this may just cause damage to the lamp irons. Luckily for me the first cab came off despite tilting it forward like this. Then I could see clearly how to properly do it. Lucky for me as the second cab was far stiffer.

There's a clip at the front in the centre that holds the cab down. To release you need to squeeze the sides of the cab where the numbers are. This caused the front to bow out enough to let it slip up over the clip. The clip is visible in the exploded diagram if you know what you're looking for.

By the way, everything else that needs to come off to respray the cab comes off without breaking except the windscreen wipers. The plastic is very soft and welds to the body such that removing them cleanly appears impossible to me. They will have to be glued back at the end.




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On 11/4/2022 at 6:43 PM, murphaph said:

The tendency is to tilt the cab forward as initially this appears to be the only way to get any movement going. In fact this may just cause damage to the lamp irons. Luckily for me the first cab came off despite tilting it forward like this. Then I could see clearly how to properly do it. Lucky for me as the second cab was far stiffer.

I take it from this, you've some sort of issue with what I suggested to do if the cab wasn't moving. No damage was caused to the lamp irons, or any other part of the model, and I certainly wouldn't suggest something to another member on here which I hadn't tried myself, or could result in causing damage to their model. 

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No Jason I think you're reading something into my response that I certainly didn't intend. Apologies if I wasn't clear. I'll try to clarify...

I've reread my post and can only assume it's the "tendency" word that made you think I was talking about your advice. In fact I was talking generally because the cab tends to naturally tilt forward when you pull up on it and this is because it's clipped to the chassis at the front base in the centre. Squeezing the cab sides forces the clip receptacle outward and allows the cab to be lifted straight up. I just thought I could add to the forum by adding to this thread rather than creating a separate one. Sorry for any offence caused. None was intended.

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9 hours ago, murphaph said:

No Jason I think you're reading something into my response that I certainly didn't intend. Apologies if I wasn't clear. I'll try to clarify...

I've reread my post and can only assume it's the "tendency" word that made you think I was talking about your advice. In fact I was talking generally because the cab tends to naturally tilt forward when you pull up on it and this is because it's clipped to the chassis at the front base in the centre. Squeezing the cab sides forces the clip receptacle outward and allows the cab to be lifted straight up. I just thought I could add to the forum by adding to this thread rather than creating a separate one. Sorry for any offence caused. None was intended.

Fair point, my mistake.  

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