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Upgrading Hornby Railroad locos

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Hi guys,


First time posting but been following alot of threads. Anyway i was just wondering have any of you bought any hornby railroad loco's over the last few years and gave them some extra detailing and weathering to bring them up to premium standard and beyond? I have a good bit of experience in other hobbies using an air brush so can weather it myself. Wouldnt mind picking up a cheap BR Diesel and giving it a try.





Edited by john83
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Hi John83 & welcome to the site, as it's supposed to be summer time there's not too many guys on here, but don't worry about that they'll be along soon enough. In the meantime you could pick up loco's on EBay, may even get some cheap, for practice etc. I've never done anything like what your planning, as yet but I do have some plans in mind, there will be guys on here with lot's of examples of work they carried out with the various kits which can be got to enhance loco's, carriages etc. Have a look at the workbenches & you should see plenty of examples of repainting, weathering, etc. Anthoney's workbench is definitely worth a look,

Edited by burnthebox
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