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Everything posted by mpc84

  1. An article from the Indo in relation to this: http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/news/renovation-work-on-138yearold-phoenix-park-railway-tunnel-commences-31459736.html
  2. I use 1mm and 2mm Greyboard from Cork Art Supplies. Supplied in A1 size sheets. They have what one could describe as 'the usual cheaper on the website' prices. Though not by too much I would add. There are better discounts if ordering batches. Links to the 1mm and 2mm as follows: http://corkartsupplies.com/Grey-Board-1mm-A1-G00382 http://corkartsupplies.com/Grey-Board-2mm-A1%5E-G00383. I've found the delivery service is fast and efficient. Charge is €4.95 anywhere in the country at the moment. There is a minimum order value of €15 incl VAT. I've no affiliation, just a happy customer. Mike
  3. While I don't have one, I was wondering if the Scalescenes version might be of use: http://scalescenes.com/products/T018-Narrowboats-and-lock. I've looked at a few sites (mainly commercial) including the 'Bay' and the only Hornby one I've found is listed at £69.95
  4. I saw one of the Wills Viaduct Kits in Marks Models Cork Saturday afternoon if that's of any help; or you're still looking. May still be there
  5. Love the Scalescenes Kits myself and have tried a hand at a few. But keeping on topic what about the Wills SS80 Viaduct Kit? http://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=13797 Its currently out of stock I realise but could be got elsewhere if time is a factor. Plus there are additional parts that can be gotten. And the same applies to the Scalescenes Viaduct Arches also
  6. Was there yesterday. Had a great day. Fantastic Layouts. Will try to upload some photos tomorrow
  7. Will be there Saturaday
  8. Forgot about that one Bos. Much easier to park there
  9. Steven there's a multi-story practically across the road (2min walk at most) in the Shopping Centre but I'm unsure as to the prices
  10. Thanks for the likes lads. Yes the crane is a bit constrained in its design. I have been looking at trying to modify it so that it could lift containers off ships. The cargo ship shown is supposed to be based on 50-60's ships and not actual container ships. There are plans for Scalescenes to bring out a modern cargo ship, which I take to mean as a container ship; but this won't be out til next year at the earliest. I also have an album showing my trials on building the cargo ship currently available; if anyone is interested in it. It's not quite finished though. Still one or two bits to be dealt with.
  11. These would be great as well for a container terminal: http://scalescenes.com/products/T032-Gantry-Crane http://scalescenes.com/products/T031-Shipping-Containers I have all 4 Kits and I'm trying to work on my own dock scene. I was able to get some IE waterslide decals to put on the crane. Photos of my attempt can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4091197206838.2173269.1489998843&type=1&l=dc5c680810
  12. mpc84

    Soldering Iron Set

    In Lidl from June 6: http://www.lidl.ie/cps/rde/xchg/SID-549FD11C-29B893F7/lidl_ri_ie/hs.xsl/index_31813.htm Also Aldi have a range of tools for DIY work, specifically woodworking also from Thursday 6th: http://www.lidl.ie/cps/rde/xchg/SID-849E7054-0D60DB4E/lidl_ri_ie/hs.xsl/offerdate.htm?offerdate=31810
  13. mpc84

    railway modeller

    June issue of Hornby Magazine also has a positive review, mentioning the years they came into service. All 3 NIR locos mentioned. 073; 078; 086; and 088 were the models received for review
  14. Not sure bought the pricing, others would know better than me but this is newly listed: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Two-Lima-Irish-OO-Mk2-NIR-Northern-Ireland-Railways-Coaches-Bachmann-Hornby-/171036882932?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item27d297b7f4
  15. Couple of Items coming up between Lidl & Aldi: http://www.lidl.ie/cps/rde/xchg/SID-49D05B32-A6E3F8C6/lidl_ri_ie/hs.xsl/index_29677.htm http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/special_buys3_26262.htm
  16. Well this one has finished up. Final Sell Price €914: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Immaculate-collection-of-Murphy-Models-Irish-Locos-and-Carriages-/150983942157?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item232758200d
  17. Saw a post on Facebook (thanks to Mark Cuffe) where its mentioned Marks Models have got some Bachmann Plasser Ballast Tampers in plain yellow livery. Here's the link: http://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=14981
  18. Apologies. had a quick look but didn't see that topic
  19. Hi all, saw this coming up in Lidl from Monday and was wondering if it's worth buying: http://www.lidl.ie/cps/rde/xchg/lidl_ri_ie/hs.xsl/index_25521.htm This is a bit off topic but Aldi have this Soldering Iron coming up from next Thursday: http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/special_buys3_24122.htm Again opinions would be welcome
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