JHB - Thank you for taking the time to put that spreadsheet together - its a brilliant concise resource.
I'll be printing it off and adding another couple of columns for pictures of the real thing and who , if anybody, is making kits and models.
I'm a long time lurker here after stumbling across it via IRM - I've finally decided to scratch that itch that has never really left since childhood - I was obsessed with trains and railways as a kid - more toy trains and Hornby GWR back then for a decade until football, girls etc etc took over................... But when you find yourself over the decades instantly drawn to any tv programme remotely mentioning the R word, travelling by train as a preference whenever possible (Honeymoon was 3 weeks around Europe by train and she still didn't divorce me!), find visiting Stations a delight, and when you find yourself driving along to somewhere, then something familiar catches your eye and you are tracing the alignment of railway lines , both existing and extinct as you go........................its time to admit your addiction and give in to the Dark side...
I'm in the provisional planning stages (still in negotiation for land rights from the Boss!) for a layout of the South Carlow/North Wexford lines circa 1955 - 1975-80.............more specifically the Bagnalstown Yard and the Palace East line that I used to play on as a kid down the back of my Grandparents house in Borris - tho the rails had been lifted a decade before I arrived on the scene. It will be more of an "homage" than a prototypical working as I would like to incorporate as many elements of the line/lines as possible..ie viaducts, deep cuttings, rolling valleys and Mountain background and some fairly unique buildings ..lots to keep me occupied in the winter months for years I'd say!.......and lots of cattle and open wagons by the looks of things ( I'm praying for a moment of the Divine Intervention in IRM Towers too...........but A Class is a great start in our direction!).
thanks again for your contributions here JHB -and thanks to all the gang here as the knowledge base shared here is fantastic - one day I might be able to bring something useful to the table
Best Regards