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Mike Beckett

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Everything posted by Mike Beckett

  1. There’s madder than that, someone on the official page saying it was deliberate fires started by some sort of activists in a campaign to get 85 back on the mainline. It’s hard to tell satire from tinfoil hattery these days.
  2. I sense sarcasm.
  3. A drone attack from Internet Trolls? They spoil everything for the genuine enthusiast, you know.
  4. Maybe if we had snowflakes falling they could put the fires out. The maddest one I saw was someone on Facebook on the official RPIS page saying that it was carried out by activists in protest at wanting 85 back in traffic. I mean good grief. People have lost the run of themselves over this.
  5. B141, that fella on the beach looks like he could be an ITG fire starter.
  6. Gotta love the combination of tinfoil hattery and faux science on this thread!
  7. All they could run is a CAF. I am sure NIR would talk to any reasonable body about hiring one for an event.
  8. The wheel profiles are pretty good. The only thing worth conserving inside is some particularly amusing graffiti.
  9. You’d think railway fans/enthusiasts/people would welcome a railway getting its first kettle, but not in Ireland, there’s always a miserable side who assume they know better.
  10. Pretty much this. Some people just hate us for trying. No, I can’t explain why.
  11. Imagine the joy in some quarters if Moyasta does indeed collapse completely.
  12. Staff, blimey, I wish we had staff.
  13. Thanks JB. It’s hard to be positive at this time, just a feeling of being totally and utterly screwed, and no energy left to fight after all our other fights.
  14. This event has sadly had to be cancelled. Every diesel loco and railcar we possess has been immersed in deep water, some worse than others. Everyone who has booked has been contacted by email. More information on the website and Facebook pages soon. We’re devastated. Both mentally and physically.
  15. We know his name… unfortunately!
  16. The good old days before the internet could pile on to the ITG for daring to try.
  17. Jebus JB, this thread is so old most of the original posters are dead now! You been on the harpic again!!
  18. I don’t. Looking forward to driving two Cs in multiple some day…
  19. You nana.
  20. 611111111 will also be tarped. So £2000 on tarps and straps.
  21. This year we might get new tarps over the wreck. That is the limit of what we can afford for manpower and expense. £900-£1000 to properly cover it. This might give insights into the challenges facing a small railway with eff all support. We have to focus on rolling stock or locos that will actually carry passengers sometime in the next X years.
  22. It’s coming on well there. The point rodding has my interest pricked, as a signalling nerd (through necessity), is there going to be a run round /engine release turnout in the platform?
  23. You would have to weld up the doors.
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