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h gricer

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Everything posted by h gricer

  1. It was a great show, colour photos in the early 1950s, colour photos of the 121class in the early 1960s in ''yankee livery'' pure class, you really have to see colour photos of that livery to see their beauty and all their glory, the late Cyril Fry is a long time dead, probably longer than most members here before they where born, but his photos and his model trains of course live on and on and on....... Regards h.gricer
  2. Its a pity to see E428 in such a rusty state, I remember it running between Athenry and Tuam in the summer of 1989 and making a connecting sevice with the Heuston / Galway passenger trains, it had only been painted by WestRail and it looked a real gem. Regards h.gricer
  3. Yes the colouring is perfect shade of blue, Iv seen lighter shade of blue and it looks awful, but you have it just right, a perfect shade of ''NIR blue'' best livery there ever was on these locos, trust me. Regards h.gricer
  4. An absolutely wonderful show, whatever about photography and the digital era, you just can't beat 50year old slides and the rest, very very compatible to modern computer technology, I don't think people appreciate the time and work that goes into making 50year old images looking like new, a green Aclass on the Derry rd and VS class at Amiens st, 121s in Yankie livery at Goraghwood, so so much more, really makes todays railway dreadfully boring, the UTA absolutely murdered the railways in Northern Ireland, with todays mature politics I don't think it would happen now. But its wonderful that its all recorded on film for future generations to enjoy. Norman Mc Adams was certainly a gricer well below the radar, didn't speak of these wonderful photos when he was alive, Im sure there are many more out there, they are just unknown and don't sadly get seen. Regards h.gricer
  5. Its great to see so many tributes being paid to the late and great Joe St Leger, he was a very modest and humble man. I remember the first time I met him in the mid 1980s, and asking him innocently at the time ''are you the same Joe St Leger that works for the Irish Press'' and he mischievous replyed to me with grin which I'II always remember to this day ''eh no, unlike me, that man is a real photographer'' we'll never see his like again. Regards h.gricer
  6. Scrap metal was carried in resent years for Haulbowline in Cork on the 12.05 NW/Cork liner 20.35 NW/Cork liner, IRRS Journal no159 p412 has a photo of a open top 20ft container laden with scrap metal on 1 such liner. Regards hg
  7. ttc0169 Are you doing a GAA special for the Final, you'll have to make up a special, perhaps cravens with a pair of 141s. Regards hg
  8. Shhhhh don't ask questions like dat, what union are they in, are they yellow packs or what, best not ask...
  9. First time Iv read this thread from beginning to end, and really enjoyed it, we all have our weakness, mine is modelling, I think Wiggy I spent too much on the lineside taking too many photos, I love the freight detail, the fertiliser, and did I see a sleeper paneltrain. I read here that ammonia train only ran in six formation, well most of the time, but my long hours at the lineside, Iv seen them run with 4tanks, 5 6 7 8 and even 9, but it was mostly six, there seem to be rules, 6 for an Aclass, but Iv seen 7, 8 for double 141 and 071s and 9 for a 201. They ran in 9tanks in the 1990s with a 201, but was discontinued after a derailment at Glasnevin Junction, then of course they ran the odd empty tank outside the water barrier wagon. The first 9tank ammonia train ran with locomotive 080 on Sunday 23rd January 1994, you could do a whole thread on ammonia workings, thanks Wiggy for sharing. Regards h.gricer
  10. Thats exactly what it was about John, but the round trip was too long, a 2day round trip, it was 13.20ex Navan on Monday to Pearse Station, then on Tuesday it was 5.30 Pearse / Arklow laden zinc, the loco would then work 9.40 Shelton Abbey / Marino Pt empty ammonia. The return working on Tuesday 8.40 Laden ammonia to Shelton, the 17.00 Arklow to Drogheda empty zinc, so laden zinc train Monday Wednesday Friday, empty Tuesday Thursday Saturday, the paths where linked in with the ammonia workings, IRRS Journal no159 February 2006 has a small piece on it, the wagons found another use in grain traffic, details also in the same Journal. The wagons are now scattered far and wide, some even found in fields with chickens living in them. Regards hg
  11. Great piece of modeling history,who'd have thought of that. Saturday 17th August 1991, I remember that day well, 191 was the Midland pilot in North Wall, it shunted the Sligo liner earlier that morning, but its that crucial final hour 15.00 / 16.00 that remains a mystery to this day, 1 of the greatest gricing mysteries of our time, around 13.00 it was parked up beside ''the huts'' in the Midland, I actually heard it depart NW via Newcommen @15.35 and thought it strange, next morning it was in the Sunday paper ''runaway locomotive crashes at Clonsilla'' meself & the Wife take a drive to Clonsilla, loco 161 was on site with the steam crane lifting poor 191 off the buffers, within a short time after that incident loco 161 was also withdrawn totally unconnected with this incident, some say it was tainted with bad luck from 191, think about it, turn de 6 upside down, what do ya get, I know, its scary, very scary, what happened to 191, the rumours have done the rounds over the years with 2stories, but tis still a mystery. Regards hg
  12. Last DFDS liner ran on Tuesday 10th July, but ttc0169 might be able to confirm this date, btw never say never, it may return in the future if business conditions change. Regards h.gricer
  13. Fantastic stuff as always ttc, ekkk 233 should be on that lowloader only joking Regards h.gricer
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