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Train model

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Everything posted by Train model

  1. Thank you Nelson you know me and the class 80 I hope they keep it running
  2. If you could bottle that smile you could make a mint
  3. Looking great well done
  4. http://www.connachttribune.ie/galway-news/item/2001-full-steam-ahead-for-new-rail-station
  5. Nice to have met with the usual suspects and base board Dave lovely quality work there young man
  6. The end result
  7. Ah Ivor ye should be relaxing with the feet up but it's looking good
  8. I'll have to go to spec savers taught is was a Star Wars sword
  9. A big happy Christmas to all who were a great help to me on this site a special thanks to33 Lima,Walter,Wrenn,and not forgetting Father Christmas Paddy Murphy.to all who visited me and those from the midlands club who hope to be in Salthill in January One last thing thanks for all the bargains on this site and I hope you all enjoy the season.
  10. Bachmann dmu or if your very lucky an nir class 80
  11. To all who made this possible thank you
  12. One of my neighbours was the fire man on the 3 of them at different times.Then when the Diesels came in he drove the A B 141 181 071s And railcars.He retired in the 70s and never learned to drive a car
  13. I think maca played for liverpool
  14. Can we see a picture or will it read no image.
  15. The whole thing is flawless even in primer I had a look at it before and after it was sprayed
  16. Sweet
  17. And we will call her Falcon
  18. Nice are they flywheel drive
  19. It reminds me of when I was young and kicking a ball on a roof near my house just to hear the rattle,if I kicked too hard it went over and if I got it just right the neighbours would eat the crap out of me.And the famous one liner I'll call the guards,so stick a ball on the gutter for me
  20. Does the roof rattle in the wind
  21. Looking good I can wait.
  22. And like all women she will tell you tomorrow you never bring her anywhere
  23. Is it ready to run
  24. Hi Sean What I would suggest is you lay all the track you want to use first then check the points and make sure the locos and rolling shock don't de rail and where the base boards meet place a small piece of cardboard and tighten well.This will help if you are taking the boards apart you can cut all the track at the joint of the board.
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