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Andreas Weniger

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Andreas Weniger last won the day on September 28 2021

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About Andreas Weniger

  • Birthday 13/02/1967

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  • Location
    Weil am Rhein, Germay


  • Biography
    I live in Germany, in the very south on the Swiss border. I have a wife and 2 almost grown-up children. A house with garden.
    I have been modelling almost all my life. The railway is a recent addition.

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  1. Here are a few more impressions of the new passenger train and the "new" Simplex locomotive. Is this a locomotive at all, or just a forward scramble? It is not a scale replica of a Simplex but my interpretation, also due to the fact that all the technology had to be accommodated (2x LiIo battery, speed controller, Vosworks receiver, loudspeaker). The driver is still missing. I also added a water tower, built from plastic scraps and polystyrene.
  2. After I had built the passenger cars from IP Engineering, I was unfortunately very dissatisfied with the driving characteristics. The wooden bogies with the small plastic wheels simply run badly. Derailments happened again and again. Now I have equipped the cars with LGB bogies no. 67402 and spoke wheels. The pivot points remained the same, as did the car, and I only needed a small plastic spacer for the screw. The test with the first 2 cars was very satisfactory. And the look is also ok for me. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  3. Hi, the rails have a track gauge of 45mm. I use a scale of 1:22.5 as a basis. The West Clare Railway had a track gauge of 3 ft (914 mm) This does not fit exactly, as 914/22.5 only gives a track gauge of 40mm (but LGB is 45mm). But visually, on a free model, this is not disturbing.
  4. Hello everyone, there is a little news. A passenger train, but it doesn't run so well yet, the wooden bogies are not ideal in my opinion... I'm still going to work on that. A new freight train. The wagons are all different wagons that I painted to match. The sheep wagons were built on 3 LGB bogies. The most important thing is the locomotive. It is originally from LGB no.: 21741 a BR99. I adapted this locomotive to my style of the West Clare Railway. The windows became round, the sand dome was removed, plus a smaller one with the valve. New lamps, fewer pipes, new sand tanks. And of course everything was repainted. The chimney is also new. The name of the locomotive is again a mountain from the Burren, Slieve Carran.
  5. Hello everyone, Thank you for your information and ideas. I had not expressed myself clearly. I meant peat sods. In other words, the “lumps” that have been cut.
  6. Hello everyone, I would like to represent peat as a load in my trolleys. Does anyone have any idea how I can represent this on a scale of 1:22.5 (garden railroad)? Thanks
  7. hello together I have a question. Were there ever any railway wagons / goods wagons with Guinness advertising? Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas
  8. In Germany, it would take 20 years to implement / approve this. We - NO our government and also many citizens preferred to believe in the "good Russians" and to rely on cheap gas. Here in the Black Forest, water reservoirs for hydroelectric power plants were rejected - because they disturb the environment - they were only visible from the plane..... The solar industry outsourced to China... There is no longer a large solar manufacturer in Germany. In Baden Württemberg, only 3 wind turbines were built this year due to lengthy approvals and appeals... Questions ???? I also only heat with gas ... I didn't think about it either (my new heating system is 4 years old), but now I'm also very sceptical about the future.
  9. Hello together, I have a question that has only limited to do with railways. For my ship model "Vaterland" KLICK I am looking for figures from the period 1900-1930. The scale is between 1:100 and 1:87. They should not look too modern (short dresses...etc) Preiser figures I know - is there maybe something else ? Andreas
  10. HI, since ship modeling and ships in general are also a great hobby of mine: can anyone say something about these ships (picture 6 ) and the place where the photo was taken? possibly other details ? Thanks in advance Andreas
  11. Expansion of my distillery. The garage wall as background always looked bare. So I planned to build a relief house. By chance I got a cheap PIKO locomotive shed, not quite perfect, especially badly glued. So I could take it apart and build the relief house for my distillery from these parts. The gates of the locomotive shed I "bricked up" with tile glue. Today I have placed the building. BEFORE: AFTER
  12. The trolley train with the Fowler diesel locomotive
  13. I did a little tinkering. I did not like the LGB buffer stops made of plastic. So I built some myself. Each one is different.
  14. Hello together, a little tinkering on the side. I have 6 of these trolley cars. They only look plastic to me - not suitable for an Irish branch line.... I rebuilt the first 3. So they had to suffer. With a knife and files I worked on the edges. In addition, a few scratches. But the most important: The plastic of the lorry was heated with the blowtorch until it became soft, then I bent a little here and there. After that the whole thing was painted with rust color. DONE. By heating with the flame, the plastic got a rough surface - I like it that way. Here an picture Clonmacnoise & West Offaly Railway
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