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Everything posted by IrishModelRail

  1. I recently weathered my Murphy Models 071 Class and Bachmann Autoballasters. I also added some more signs and a few more pieces of scenery but nothing major:) I anyone has any feedback or advice please tell me:)
  2. That is superb!
  3. Some more recent pictures of my layout 'Kilmeg.' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2tKTnKLJ68
  4. Looking great!
  5. Thanks very much, I will lookk into it.
  6. Railway humour is the best humour!
  7. Thanks, I actually need to see the IRRS soon anyway.
  8. I never had the pleasure of meeting him - but I had the pleasure of his photographs.
  9. That must have been painful...
  10. I love the semaphore and the An Post van, very Irish and very realistic.
  11. Excellent work there Wiggy. Great to see the Concrete sleepered trak and the huge fleet!
  12. At this very minute, all of the 111s are in Derry partaking in the heavy engineering works from Colraine to Derry. Still, ti's a very rare sight.
  13. Thanks for the reply. There was a small blob of PVA glue impairing to rotation of the wheel. All sorted now though!
  14. It is indeed. In the golden age of railway modelling, it is good to see Irieland is not being left behind by all of the recent progress. Furthermore, the layouts posted here is only a fraction of the amount of layouts out there I would presume.
  15. Here are some photos and videos of my model railway 'Kilmeg.' Seo é griangrafanna agus fiseáin don mo mioniarnród 'Cill Meaig.'
  16. Hello everybody, I was wondering if anyone has any photos that they can post or can direct me towards any photos on the internet of the interior of any of the infamous 8200 Class DART EMUs. Seán.
  17. When you said not to laugh, I was expecting some track on the floor but that's a very good start. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  18. Nice, but better with say yellow doors.
  19. Wonderful irishrail.ie silver! There fantastic. Great job! Seán.
  20. Can speed limit signs be situated anywhere on the lineside?
  21. Wow, I never realised the extent of your collection. Skilled baseboard construction and a huge amount of rolling stock. I hope you progress with scenery.
  22. What do you mean it ceased? There are no more DFDS liners?
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